
Hey, look at what happened *last friggin’ month* to Bridget Fonda after some-20 years of fading into obscurity: a fucking paparazzo figured out where she lived, *staked out her house*, and took photos of her looking like a normal middle-aged mom. She had gained a lot of weight and some of the press were rather cruel

I am more sympathetic, I guess. I think the article is about living with shame, disappointment, and fear of being judged for “letting yourself go.” Look at the recent coverage of Kelly McGillis. Well-known people are not allowed to fall into obscurity when there is news to be made for showing unflattering pictures.

Russia is a lost cause, from a democratic and societal point of view IMO. The wheels that’d require turning to get it anywhere near parity with other social democracies feel impossibly large. At a minimum, we’d have to wait for Putin to die, and hope his successor was weak enough, and pro-democractic groups strong &

Why did they have their first date documented with an article and photo shoot?

I mean you can make fun of the guy for having a “toy” like this but you know what? This project has employed hundreds of people in the hard hit marine sector and will continue to employee lots of people for the substantial on-going maintenance that will be required. Captains, engineers, all the other crew, the ports

Except that the people were passing when in the left lane.

It says “RESCUE” right on it! You’re clearly mistaken.


Thank goodness they’re spending the money responsibly.

This is the correct take. In Mexico if you get pulled over for nothing, you just pay the $20 fine right there in cash and off you go. In AL, they take your car with all your stuff in it and tell you to sue to get it back.


that’s one way to tell me that i have to pirate this

wtf is roku lol*

Eh.  I’m just waiting for Roku to be killed off and then later reborn as the Aang streaming service.  

The Avatar that preceded Aang.

I buy butter in stick form and keep it in a glass dish.

Why don’t y’all just do a feature called “Ask a Trucker”? I’m sure I’m not the only one on here who drives commercial truck for a living; I’m also a driver trainer. 

It looks like they’re only allowed to sleep in the beds in the bedroom section though. If it was me, I’d pick a bed in one of their designed display bedrooms. Now THAT’S really my IKEA sleepover dream.

Genetics don’t predispose people to drug and alcohol use and abuse.

I’m sorry, but do you think raclette is a swiss regional tradition they keep for themselves ??

Raclette is one of the most consummed winter dish in most of europe.
Hell I had raclette in the US when I lived there. It’s probably one of the most famous and favored dish in France, out here I’d wager you can find a raclette