Funny how she’s a woman who doesn’t support women.
Funny how she’s a woman who doesn’t support women.
Yeah, I fully expect her to announce her engagement to future ex-husband #2 within minutes of the divorce being final. Probably some well-heeled lobbyist or right wing donor.
They 100% cheated on each other.
I’m betting it was the other way around. Now that she’s an incumbent congresswoman, she probably has access to a lot better quality stock of dudes who make more money and probably smell better than her highschool drop out soon-to-be-ex-husband.
Wasn’t so long ago that she would have been kicked out of her church for getting divorced.
When did Meghan not become a royal? Sorry to disappoint you (I’m not really), but she’s very much still a royal with children high up in the line of succession.
Well, they keep falling out of windows too, so it’s a mixed bag.
A lot of potential buyers are too busy dying in a foreign country.
I smell a conspiracy: the director and the actors realized that the movie is going to be terrible mid-way that they plotted the hijinks to feed the rumor mill like a Trumpian trolling campaign for media attention and viewer interest.
Is this really the hill you want to die on?
Not at all surprised that they’ve turned to a Russian host.... Just surprised with as many sanctions currently in place on Russian products that choosing them as a webhost is still a viable option.
I guess “Kiwifarms as Russian state media” makes a certain kind of sense.
Oh my god, this whole thing is so stupid. It’s not like they have to plow some ancient burial ground or knock over a cathedral. They just need to remove the span of the bridge for a few hours. Which they’ve already done. Which will be paid for generously.
Set up a camera. 152'-6" Canopener footage.
Everything circles back to the one thing that makes the difference: vaccination.
I guess being in that “Weapon of Choice" music video helped him walk without rhythm.
Alright, but if the next sequel is called ‘Avatar: The Way of Air’, Nickelodeon might have a lawsuit on their hands.
The EU is not America. EU workers get a mandatory 6 week yearly vacation, pension that kicks in at 57 years old, maternity leave, universal health car, anti - ageism work environment, etc. Governments in the EU will have absolutely no problems attracting top tech talent. I would bet you dollars to donuts the EU…
Don’t clean yellow pillows, replace them. They’re pillows. Don’t be gross.
This is how we evolve into the humans from Wall-E.