
Lol since you wanna play that game, I’ll leave my comment. Stop twisting the words of others. It’s disgusting.

The best part of wearing masks has been that I can’t smell everything all the time.

I’m autistic and I hate their shops because of the way they smell. So many loud agressive smells that I cannot ignore, it’s like they have 20 orchestras playing 20 different tunes at maximum volume. And the worst part is that you do not even have to go into the shop (which I never do, and I have never bought or used

I hate Lush. I want to like natural skin care stuff but my skin doesn’t like it. My hair hates their products as well. 

That’s a great breakdown! Modern chemistry is good, folks. We’re a lot less stinky than we were in previous centuries.

The soaps also contain almost no weird chemicals, like some liquid options that can leave behind a layer of film on the skin.

That’s really not the case. Ikea sells furniture for every wallet, from cheap cardboard crap to things that outlive you. I’ve had my Ikea desk for 15 years and it only has a few scuffs in the middle because I didn’t bother buying a cover.

Man, I wish that was still how the world worked! 

That is waaaaay more Rowan Atkinson than Jack Black

Hmmm, wellll this will probably never be ungreyed but here we go!

So wait, was the other woman the husband’s mistress or the wife’s? Either way, still trash for killing them.  Why can’t weak men just kill themselves without taking others that want to live with them?

It means some men can’t handle the thought or reality that they are not in charge of everything.

Toxic masculinity strikes again. What an asshole, and what a sad outcome. 

With all that sugar around, the bees could use the exercise.

While I generally have no problem with veganism - we all have the right to decide how we want to eat - I do get annoyed by the anti-honey stance of some vegans. First of all, we need bees to keep pollenating all kinds of crops we need for survival, and commercial hives are a great way to keep large, happy, safe bee

If he really knew the good shit, she wouldn’t need to work, so there’s that.

I’ve been getting diarrhea since before these people were born and I never got any clout from it. :(

Yeah we’re done here

Congratulations. You win the internet. Take the rest of the day off.

Shut down the thread.