
I am at work at Sonic right now and the two servers I read your comment to laughed heartily at your comment is incorrect, for it is incorrect.

This reads like it’s from a trash rag (or the script for a talk show) from 1995-1998. “Next time on Donahue...You’re child is a Witch and here is what you can do about it!”

Open Paganism (of which Wicca has a category) has been practiced all throughout the history openly in the United States. But Neo-Paganism only

The Switch can take microsd cards up to 2tb and those don’t exist yet.

Larry King and Bette Midler evidently lol.

It’s easy if you got long arms. For example: my arms are 24 in long from my shoulder to my wrist, and 29 inches shoulder to tip of my middle finger. I can reach over either shoulder and put my hand flat on my shoulder blade.

Their cells have transparent walls, she could’ve have gotten it done with Homer direct her.

It’s the only plausible explanation.

Why not? I was in line opening night for The Matrix Reloaded and I met a Mormon that decided, while on his Mission Trip to stop and see the the movie.

Fallout 4 Nexus - Gameplay Effects and Changes“In a meaningful way” is kind of subjective but there is Campsite (-Simple Wasteland Camping, Take Cover, Arbitration - Combat AI - Stealth - Speed - Damage - Gameplay Overhaul and Tweaks, and Search and Destroy - Extended Combat Range and Stealth Searches. That is just

I am usually over that as well. But at least it’s basically working as intended as opposed to being unplayable or stuttering. *shrug*

Wow really? I have a similar setup (the only difference is I am using 2 970's in sli) the processor and the ram are the same and I played for the past six hours at 59-60 fps@1080p and max settings as reported by Fraps.

Unmanned drones (such as the Predator) are piloted by humans from a remote location. They do not fly themselves, the pilot sits in a little room in front of a typical instrument panel like the one shown above.

For those of you still balking at the idea, let me echo what commenterQuadPole suggested in the comments: what if the motor-assist unit’s capacitors or batteries have to start depleted, so all energy that goes into charging them ultimately comes from the cyclist? Then, a moto-doping setup is truly just another form

Just a reminder: this is the mod that got announced in 2011 as World of StarCraft, ran afoul of Blizzard’s lawyers, caused hella controversy,relaunched with a new name, got Blizzard’s approval, and went on Kickstarter to ultimately rake in $84,918. It’s been playable in early states before, but now it’s basically

As long as it doesn’t start being referred as ‘that movie about the kids that had Oprah in it’ then I am ok with this.

I do fact check and here is a screenshot, that tweet of hers is real. I don’t advocate racism and I don’t advocate hypocrites either.

This needs to happen.

Of course they are not Lizard people, they are Werewolves. Don’t you watch Doctor Who? ;)

Hell yeah ex-Driver,I watched this anime repeatedly and it’s one of favorites . Also when autonomous cars started becoming a thing the parallels blew my mind

So glad I wasn’t the only one to see this.