
In the US our trucks have back seats anything that is not dirty can go back there (see: Groceries). Also, people don’t really steal things out of truck beds as much as Jeremy Clarkson would have you think they do. As for the tools, that is why these 36" tool boxes that go from one side of the bed to the other exist.

I just saw this and “cool story bro” if for the guy that has nothing to to contribute except some stuff about integrity. You can still keep do the right thing and the people coming along doing the wrong thing greater than the people doing the right thing and cancel out any good doing the right thing does.

Also, I never

Someone’s never seen GalaxyQuest.

Your analogy is a couple of things first, it’s a bad analogy and second it’s dumb.

The United States has lowered it’s c02 emissions by nearly 800 million tons.

Whereas China has a 2 billion tons per year increase in C02 emissions. 

Yeah see the point of his post is whatever we do to do reduce our emissions is going to be canceled out by the Chinese.

Agreed, those are wildly impractical for the environments she navigates.

Or we as humans can just use our necks and eyes to just check our mirrors, open the doors slower, and not as wide. That would better, easier, and more efficient than doing this gymnastics to get out of your car without hitting anyone.

I could have told about the Xeon cpu but as a you found out it’s not a gaming cpu. So your comment really isn’t relevant

We have that, it’s called Dolby Digital and DTS.

Simulated rays (for lack of a better term) have nothing to do with positional audio.

Ray tracing is a rendering technique producing an image by tracing the path of light as pixels and simulating it’s effect on objects in the environment.

It has zero to do with audio.

Also, there is no way my RTX 2070 cost $10,000 it was $560. This nonsense about it beginning to worm it’s way into “$10,000 high end

Omg PKUnzip, throw back, I miss it.

I remember when my friends and I saw this in Gran Turismo 2. We called the “E” Space because we where a bunch of stupid American teens who hadn’t heard of it.

Honestly,Wall Drug just for how many dot the landscape all along I-90.

Same here, Half black half white and both of races seem to always just lump me in with the black people like my other half doesn’t exist. Like they just expect me to act one way or the other instead neither.

It’s very infuriating. 

As a biracial person, I get this. Both white and black people try to force me into being or acting black. Just like the Japanese are doing to her.

The sexy time can be turned off in the WW settings, and it allows things like just removing individual bits of clothing (like shoes) without changing their outfit, as any person would do upon returning home from work, etc.

Kameamaha bitch, lol. 

Psst, the Nomad wasn’t compatible with the 32x.

Except an Ep-3 couldn’t out maneuver any jet even if it wanted to. It is a large heavy propeller driven aircraft who mission is reconnaissance not banking at the speeds a fighter jet American or Russian are able to achieve.  

Stupid comment is stupid.

Love doesn’t always mean attracted to or anything else having to with attraction to which mentioning Android 21's age would be relevant.

Unless love does mean that to you then well....you’re creepy.