
Myself I got a more of a Necromonger vibe.

I want to give you all the stars.

lol it’s cool, pardon some of the typos though certain keys don’t register as well as they used to.

The Salem Witch Trials were from February 1692 to May 1693. The Bill of Rights wasn’t even created until September 25, 1789, 4 months and 96 years later. There only 13 colonies when the trials occurred. Also, the Articles of Confederation were even created yet at the point in history you referenced that didn’t happen

As one of the 35 year 6'0 tall people that has never weighed more than 162 my metabolism accepts your congratulations. lol

Assassin’s Creed: Braavos

uh...yeah lol B)

Between 2006 and 2016 he directed

Hollweed (TV Movie) - 2016
The Flash (episode “The Runaway Dinosaur) - 2016
Holidays (segment “Halloween”) - 2016
Yoga Hosers - 2016
Tusk - 2014
Jay and Silent Bob Get Irish: The Swearing O’the Green (TV Movie) - 2013
Jay and Silent Bob Get Old: Tea Bagging in the UK (TV Movie) - 2012

Ahem, how about The Interceptors.

It’s Chris Pratt as Andy Dwyer from Parks and Recreation. He is also plays Peter Quill/Star Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy and Owen in Jurassic World.

Thank you highsierra for your well worded and clear response, I appreciate it. :)

Well being rude was not my intention in the slightest nor was it to point out that I am not having problems and others are. My contribution is wondering why others are having problems and others aren’t. And instead of having a good discussion on the matter it has degenerated into whatever this is.

Sorry I offended

*sigh* why is there always one of you people that twists a person words around and turns what is a geniune statement of confusion into something that was not meant the way you are presenting it. You know, as opposed to trying to help the who actually wants to understand the problem instead of putting that person down?

I am not bragging, I just don’t understand why others are having problems. Might want to turn down your righteous indignation, it’s a bit loud. :-P

I don’t understand why people have problems with Win10, there is not a problem that I have had after installing it (on two different systems now, one was an upgrade the other was built from the ground up) that I did not cause by mucking about where I shouldn’t have been.

It’s a Rainmeter Skin, I use the very same one on my desktop