elvis grace

How much time has passed since he shot her up with drugs?

I am so sick of the gang/gun turf war. That, and land development deals. Those seem to be Sutter's go to points for external pressures on the club.

He's going to off himself before he can meet Mr. Mayhem.

The blood on his shoes looked like it was still wet. And Wendy? What are you doing? STOP.

And the Tig has sex with it.

But hasn't he read it before? What new info does he think he's going to find?

Whoops, mea culpa!

Gemma's lack of concern right there disturbed me a lot. She's known him since high school, right? Not to mention that he's been her faithful little dog for so long.

I think I might be able to forgive the show a teensy bit if that happens.

Maybe the spirit of vengeance gives him superpowers?

The SAMCRO universe timeline is a Mobius strip.

I think Sutter forgot that Nate lives in Oregon.

At this point in time in the show's chronology, how long has it been since Tara's death?

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Stop after S4. It's all rapidly downhill from there.

But how does that take 3 hours?

Now you are just giving him ideas.

Seriously? Why? What is there really left to do?

I felt kind of let down by the low-key nature of it.

But is that bylaw unwritten?