elvis grace

Isn't it said in the book that the well-being of their children is used to keep the Handmaids who already had children in line, as a blackmail tool?

Do all the club chapters vote, or only the chapter the accused belongs to?

How do we even know Jax is dead? Maybe the truck driver was just Raptured.

"Throw off the fetas that bind you."

Jax getting his Spike on, and using jewelry to close hellmouths?

Not me. I have to resort to close-captioning.

YES. It's like "why are you here?"

I think I'm a little in love with you.

Because if you're homeless, blankets are no longer mere?

No, he's not her child, but he is her son's brother. And who else would he have? All of Tara and Jax's families are dead now.

Except how does it save the club? There's a whole lot more IRA Kings still out there, and the relationship between them and SAMCRO is pretty frayed right now. And how does his suicide save his kids? Getting them the hell out of Charming with Nero and Wendy saves them. But he didn't have to kill himself for that. He

From now on I'm going to pretend that is what actually happened. It makes the crushing disappointment a little more bearable.

He's not wearing a helmet when we meet him in S1E1

They definitely misallocated their cursing budget,

"And have all the blowback that comes with it!, which will inevitably harm my loved ones!"


And therein lies the irony. He thinks his death will protect the club and his sons, But all he's really doing is making matters worse for those he left behind.

And he's sacrificing himself to save his club.

It's the most glorious name I've ever heard.

I'm kind of convinced that Sutter is setting up some future project, namely Abel coming of age and going SAMCRO. My (admittedly flimsy) supporting evidence is the homeless woman telling Gemma that "Able to help my little boys/Abel will help my little boys, the Sons ring that Abel was so prominently playing with, and