elvis grace

Exactly. And wasn't his transgression pretty much having loose lips while drugged out?

How could Chibs appoint him in the first place? Don't they vote for those positions?

It doesn't seem like they choose officers based on tenure. Otherwise, Jax would not have been VP at the start of the series.

Hurt, and BURNT TO A CRISP. And if he loved his daughters so much, why didn't he make himself a larger presence in their lives?
TL; DR version - grief isn't as painful as third degree burns and suffocation.

I really need more than one up vote for this comment.

Either that, or Sutter thinks he's a lot more clever than he actually is.

Not to mention that Chibs survived the IRA and the Troubles.

We also got a "Mother of Christ!" They're switching it up on us.

I don't know why Happy had to take a bullet to begin with. Weren't SAMCRO the only people there in the warehouse? Couldn't they still claim Jax laid down bullets anyway? It'n not like we haven't seen 9 million shootouts where no one is actually hit.

Stop after S3.

And Jax knows all that. And he chooses to repeat history and drive into his own semi, just like daddy!

Self control.
Birth control.

Wait, I think I missed something - who did he implicate?

I wish I could up vote you endlessly.

Seconded. Zach, you have been a trooper.

Birth control is a prophylactic…

You would think all those ccs of American steel vibrating between their legs would render them less potent, not more.

Except it was no longer Magical Homeless Woman bread. It is now the bread and blood of Jax Teller, and the crows were eating it in remembrance of him.

Yeah, but the way it kept getting played up and emphasized made it seem like it was going to be something important, and all it ended up being is Chekov's crescent wrench.
