
Agent Bork:
Chief! Ya know that guy whose camper they were whackin’ off in?

I have an older C2 and would love to know about some kind of online content I can follow for workouts without having to connect to the actual machine. Is there something like that out there? Just want something to give the illusion of not working out alone.

I was on a rowing team in high school and we rowed within yards of that barge every morning when it was parked in the port of Redwood City. Super creepy.

I was on a rowing team in highschool and rowed past that thing every morning. Crazy to be within a couple yards of it. Once, we were warming up with a run and accidentally tried to run past the guard booth into the yard where it was kept. Guard stepped out with his hand up and said, “Woah there guys. Right church,

At first I thought that was a photo of Jojo Siwa.

Mystery, Alaska. For the win.

Just to clarify, I'm wondering why it was so hard for me to say that. I don't blame her reaction one bit.

I worked in a college town as a phone representative for a few years. The sales floor at this company was like Real World or whatever the new version of that show is these days (*shakes fist at cloud*). Everyone was young and fucking each other, and the drama was apparently off the charts. I was 23 and still a virgin

I’ll play.

Guards, Guards is next up in line. I really enjoyed Going Postal when I read it a bunch of years ago.

I just started reading Mort a couple weeks ago (I’m working 50+ hrs a week and can hardly find time to read, so it’s slow going), and wondered if that was where the car’s name came from.

I think it’s worth remembering too that some people don’t just play video games after work; it is their work. Not just to play them, but also to delve into them and try to understand them in broader contexts, including personal ones. This is no different from a professional architect describing a structure, or a mathem

No one reads the articles.

If I’m watching only one 1970's empty amphitheater rock god concert with an overly-large gong, I’m going with the t-shirts and bare feet of Live in Pompeii. These guys look too cold.

I love it. I actually don’t care about the right/left thing, but whatever change just happened makes the comments work on my computer again. For the last couple months, I couldn’t “load more comments” or switch to “community” from the default “Staff” comments when I was logged in and had my variety of adblock/ghostly

I took a 12-hour overnight bus ride in Peru from Nazca to Urubamba maybe 15 years ago. Some tourists, but mostly a packed bus of Peruvian families traveling. The bus had five tvs playing movies at full volume the whole time. That was the first time I saw Scarface. I’m pretty sure the 6yo across the aisle from me

And it helps explain the minor detail of Cal apparently having taken Angela’s last name

Dude looks like Mr. C from Twin Peaks The Return

Now playing

My favorite knolling is on James May’s The Reassembler.