
The cheese was pretty nasty. Like a step below minor-league ballpark nacho cheese.

I am not sure of how exactly the viscosity mechanics work. Just that I have been to a wedding (yes, really) where they had one. (This wedding may or may not have involved one of my relatives; I admit nothing.) And for various reasons, which I can elaborate on but won't for the moment, I now strongly identify one of

So, obviously you don't watch Rick and Morty, because if you did, you never would have made this stupid, stupid comment.

And yet…here you are taking time out of your day to "read this shit" and comment on it…but that's none of my business, I guess.

Absolutely…much like small children, if they don't get what they want when they want it, these voters will take their toys and go home, and then get distracted by what's on TV. Given that none of Trump's campaign promises are actually doable - especially when he's faced with the prospect of working with a half-hostile

Please be careful, inconvenient facts are very triggering to our red-state brethren.

Is he going to play the inaugural ball or is that just a rumor? I heard at one point it was going to be him and Vince Neil (sans the rest of Motley Crue) and I thought - yep, that sounds about perfect for a Trump inauguration. All they would need to round out the evening is a cheese fountain, some pork rinds, and some

So, about that whole "a long-term marriage is just a story" thing. I grew up in a family where preservation of the story of the family - "Grandpa isn't an abusive alcoholic"; "Mom isn't bipolar"; "My parents' marriage is fantastic"; "We're all one big happy family and we love each other"; etc. was more important than

Yes, you are so much smarter than everyone else, I'm sure. Please, enjoy your #stuffwhitepeoplelike and don't worry about the fact that APHC has been racially and socioculturally tone-deaf for years. I am sure such things are far from being worthy of your notice.

I never got APHC or Keillor's schtick, and I did try. The appeal of both still escapes me. Which is fine and I think it's fine that other people like it. But the only thing more annoying than Keillor, and the show, are the fans who love to look down their noses at people who aren't fans.

I'm a sympathetic vomiter - if I smell vomit I start vomiting myself - and my poor husband one night had to clean up not just our son's vomit, but mine too. Since then, if Junior starts vomiting my husband will yell "GET OUT OF HERE, JUST GET OUT" which saves him a lot of cleaning. He's a saint for dealing with that

I know someone like this, who is constantly correcting everyone about their language, thoughts, beliefs, jokes and in general, the way they interact with the world. I have no idea who she really is as a person because she is so invested in correcting everyone's behavior all the time. She may be super-cool and we may

I guess the best thing you can say about this shit sandwich of a situation is: it seems like Patton and his daughter are close, and at least they have each other as they try to cope with Michelle's loss. But the other thing I can say is that as a parent, the worst thing in the world is to see your child hurt, and not

Was just going to say this. I was bulimic (went to rehab for it in my late teens and everything) and my method of choice was laxatives. (Second favorite method was exercising for 4-5 hours, until I passed out.) Don't wanna go into detail, but using laxatives for weight loss really, really messes up your digestive

One thing I talk about with my mom friends is our fear of dying
suddenly. If we got sick and had some time, we could get things squared away, try to explain to our kids what was happening, help our spouses figure out a game plan for when we weren't there. A friend of a friend got terminal cancer and made sure she

"peak Gabriel Byrne is about as gorgeous as a man is capable of being"
Yep. My reaction to seeing his name in the headline? "Sploosh."

Nope. I read a lot of the episode recaps for subsequent seasons and it seems like it kept getting more melodramatic and over-the-top. I guess I should at least watch the series finale sometime.

It got to the point where I would read the episode recaps and if it was going to be a "Dana-heavy" episode, I would just read the recap, share the plot of the episode with my husband, and we would fast-forward through every second of the time she was on-screen.

In retrospect, I should have bailed out of Dexter after Rita died; it would have spared me the trauma of watching that horrible final episode.

So, in talking this question over with Mr. ApocalypsoFacto, he had an observation that sometimes, the beloved-character death comes at a time in a TV series when the show has peaked and then slid into melodrama or ridiculousness. I tend to lose interest in shows when the initial unique or quirky premise has petered