
The Joy of Cooking, 1975 edition. If you ever need to know how to cook something you've never cooked before - venison, pheasant, aspic, various kinds of regionally-popular desserts - this book has a recipe for it. The newer edition that came out in the late 1990s was more practical, but far less charming.

I have a cookbook my grandmother used all the time, that was issued by the Memphis, TN Junior League in 1967. It's all entertaining recipes, complete with ideas for invitations, decor, etc. It's a window into a completely different time and place in America, for sure.

These were always a favorite after a long night of drinking in college. Because Jack-in-the-Box was open 24 hours (so a viable and convenient choice - and sometimes the only one - after bar-closing time), and we could always manage to scrape together a dollar or so in change, even if we had to dig through our carseats

Congratulations, you're maintaining your intentional ignorance and relentless attempts to be a freelance terrible human being. Your mother must be so proud of you.

I'm a feminist and have always considered myself an ally of people of color, economically disadvantaged populations, LGBTQI people, etc. However, even I admit that the splintering and subdividing of people into micro-categories of identity has gone too far. In allowing ourselves to be splintered into tiny factions,

"The 50% of voters who stayed home, you did this too."
This, to me, was the biggest tragedy of the election - next to the people who voted for Jill Stein in some kind of "protest vote" that totally backfired. Trump was elected by, really, about 23% of the population. That's it. The good news about that is that there's

You would feel so much better if you could just own up to your own prurient interest in the things Dan Savage talks about. I'm sure pegging is the least shocking thing you fantasize about, or watch porn of when you're alone in the house. Stop repressing yourself and you might actually find you no longer feel the need

Was this supposed to make sense to someone besides you? P.S., be careful slinging terms like "degenerate" around. If I go digging around in your comment history, I am sure we could find plenty of degenerate things you've said, and sites you've visited.

Why are you here reading it, then? You are aware no one is forcing you to read this, or comment on it? Is your life so lonely and sad you legitimately have nothing better to do?

You're really shoring up your side's point of view by posting things like that. Hey buddy, you're late for school and I think I hear your mom calling down into the basement. Go put on your World of Warcraft hoodie and wait for the bus.

This is the most smarmy, condescending batch of bullshit I have seen in a very long time. You might have well just said what you really think - which is "get over it, suckos! We won and you lost and you need to quit whining! Get used to having your rights trampled on! And learn to shut up about how you feel!" You

In my area, "pinche" is always a favorite, although I admit I don't see it much on Twitter.

This lead to a random thought, if Ivanka Trump and Kanye West were to somehow end up together, who would be "trading up" in that situation?

My friends and I keep having the same conversation…

Hey man, it's way easier for KingofWildThings to stay where he/she is at, keep reading the same stuff, and complain. Let's not complicate people's lives, here.

I get where you're coming from; I wouldn't want to look at that either. But, the show is pretty amazing and has a lot of timely relevance. In a weird way, watching the show made me feel better about our current political situation, even though the story is all fictional.

My favorite album this year was Give it Back to You by The Record Company. They're not going to win any awards for musical originality but that was kind of what I liked about it. Also, this year totally sucked and especially after the election, it was nice to have an album I could listen to, get absorbed, and not have

I found Life of Pablo unlistenable. I have liked a lot of what Kanye West has done over the years, but that album just lost me.

Opium was involved in several of these, would be my guess.

Like that but much, much thinner, almost to the point that it was like plasticky cheese soup.