
I was only half-watching that season that ended with Brody's death because the show had just gotten to be toooooo much, for me. But yeah, after that - when the next season rolled around, my husband mentioned something about it to me, and I said "yeah, I think I'm done with that now."

"What is this - some kind of Quaker thing? You fuck someone's husband to death and then you bring them a quiche?"


I was just going to post that this is when I bailed out of Sons of Anarchy - when Opie got killed. It was like that GIF of Jerry Seinfeld throwing up his hands and leaving the theater. "Well, that's it; I'm done." I legitimately did not care what happened on the show after that, and up to that season, I had *loved*

I never understood the appeal of the original show. So the theoretical appeal of something like this follow-on series completely escapes me.

The funny thing is, I grew up listening to George Jones, Tammy Wynette, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, June Carter, etc. because that's what my parents and grandparents listened to. And there was a time, not so long ago, where that was literally the most uncool music on the planet. Like, you literally could not get more

You did nothing wrong. That guy is a douchebag. Sorry this happened to you. :-(

Not as pathetic as believing the Earth is flat.

It's just weird, and kind of shocking, how many of these guys aren't even making it to age 70 before dying. Scary.

I loved Season One of True Detective to a ridiculous degree - seriously, one of my favorite shows ever - but was scared away from Season Two by the absolutely scathing reviews I read, plus negative opinions from people I knew who also loved the first season. Is Season Two really that bad - like, not worth watching,

I rewatched an episode the other day and - yeah. Kind of embarrassed now, how into the show I was when it was airing. That narration by Carrie with the awkward wording and the bad puns, oy.

I agree. I have a male colleague who was in an open marriage with his wife. The open marriage was fine as long as the wife slept with other women, and he also got to sleep with other women. He was also fine with MMF threesomes with his wife and another man, as long as there was no male-male contact. As soon as his

One of my friends is - well, was until recently - in an open marriage. It just imploded spectacularly when he got jealous of a new male "friend" his wife started spending a lot of time with, and told her (in some kind of misguided attempt to get back at her?) that he had engaged in a full-on "I love you" relationship

Thanks to Showtime becoming available through Hulu, we are watching Season 2 of Penny Dreadful, which just keeps getting better and better. Watched "The Nightcomers" last night, which I think is one of the best episodes of any television show I've ever watched, ever.

I am so sorry to hear about your family's loss. It is really hard to lose someone suddenly, and also hard to be the partner of someone who is struggling with the sudden loss of someone they love. I have been there, and my heart goes out to you.

The thing is, if the LW is busy, like a lot of us are, it does take time to set up a date and go on the date and then muddle through the post-date communication about "sorry, just not into it; it's not you, it's me." Is it a lot of time? No. Is it time I think any reasonable person would rather spend doing something

Only people who have been there - i.e., ladies - understand this. I've been shaving since I was 16 for this reason, along with a few others.

Aw, thanks Cookie Monster!

Imma say something some people aren't going to like.

Oh, Jesus. Caillou. I had blocked it out. There are some shows out there that I swear are written by people who are giggling madly at the idea that instead of teaching good lessons, they are actually inciting kids to act terribly. Caillou absolutely falls into that category of show.