
Would that we were all able to create idealized cartoon versions of ourselves, right? I would force the animators to make me look like Lagertha from Vikings.

All I got to say is that if the French princess chick doesn't want to sleep with Rollo, I volunteer as a tribute.

My son really liked it when he was younger, but there was something about Steve I found creepy. He was so calm he seemed drugged. I always imagined that part of his contract was that there had to be a huuuuuge bowl of Xanax on the craft services table at all times.

My son loves Phineas and Ferb and I have a real appreciation for that show. I have no idea how Disney managed to make something so cool, and then do…the rest…of the shows on the Disney Channel. Which are just really, really awful.

I'm glad to see this post, as GWTW remains one of my favorite books of all time.
I'm just as uncomfortable as anyone about the blatant racism in the book, and that's all I'll say about that; the post and comments haven't said anything I don't feel. I reread the book at least once every couple of years.

"Just the fact that the only way you thought older music could be acquired was via used CD's is a joke."

I have to agree. I bought Portishead's albums as I like their music. Alas, I bought them used, so the band didn't benefit from the sale. Once I had the albums, I never bought them again. I converted all my CDs to MP3s a few years ago - Portishead never got paid for that.

One of my elementary-school teachers had a Tefifon player, I have absolutely no idea how she would have gotten it. She kept it in her classroom and would let us play with it on days when she didn't feel like teaching. She only had four cartridges for it and one didn't work, and the other three were fairly terrible

She is crazy beautiful. Which is interesting, because I never really thought either Kurt Cobain or Courtney Love were that attractive.

And get to claim the moral superiority of doing so, to boot! Yay you!!

Those frozen garlic and basil cubes changed my life (they also have parsley and ginger). They're amazing. I make sure we never run out, in my house.

I bought a different brand of metal lunchbox for my son, called Lunchbots, and we eventually just let him use them to keep Legos in. Number one, you can't put them in the microwave, which ended up being more of a problem than I thought it was going to be. I pack a lot of dinner leftovers for lunch, and I would be

OMG SPUDNUTS. I loved, LOVED the cherry glazed when I was a kid. Props to you for giving your kids the peak donut experience that is Spudnuts.

You're so right, Cookie Monster.

Another 18-year couple here. I don't care if my husband watches porn; he doesn't care if I watch it. We don't watch it together very often. I had a girlfriend ask me once "well, you're married - if you're horny, why not just wait and have sex?" Because masturbating to porn takes much less time and mental energy than

Also, don't know if this counts, as it was more "I enjoyed the opener more than the main act" - I saw Wild Nothing on tour with Beach House a few years ago, and had much more fun when Wild Nothing was on stage than when Beach House came on. Beach House was okay, but Wild Nothing played a great set and had people on

Snoop Dogg opened for Red Hot Chili Peppers back in, maybe it was 2003 or 2004? Snoop KILLED onstage. He "opened" for almost two hours, had his full entourage out with huge blunts and pimp stick and pimp cups in full effect- it was amazing.

With my second IUD, they gave me misoprostol AND Xanax before the insertion. It may have hurt a little, I'm not sure. The Xanax kicked in nicely and if it did hurt, I certainly didn't care.

I got my first Mirena when my son was six months old. I'd had an emergency c-section at 36 weeks and my cervix never dilated. Getting the Mirena put in hurt like a motherfucker. My OB-GYN said it's all about the cervix, not about uterine size.

Finally, the review of the finale! I can comment without risk of spoilers