
Yeah, that "merkin" thing needs quite a bit of further explanation…

So, just to put this out there. I had sex with a 21-year-old when I was 15, and like the wife of the letter-writer, I was not traumatized by it at all, nor do I have any regrets. We actually stayed together for five years and only broke up when I met my now-husband, who - by the way - is also 6 years older than me. No

I know this is going to sound like a mega-dorky suggestion, but three of my friends have met their partners by going to Meetup groups related to various interests. Not "specifically For Singles" meetups - just groups related to stuff they liked to do (manga, hiking and snowshoeing, as I recall). If there are any of

I had a run-in with a minor Internet celebrity a few years ago (an author who is super-active on social media and has a huge blog following) and was amazed at just how many completely batshit people a Z-list celebrity can get to follow and support them. I had people emailing me from New Zealand telling me they were


I really, really thought that after Phantom Menace moviemakers would realize that intergalactic trade disputes and other bureaucratic concerns have no place - NO PLACE - in space operas. I guess I was wrong.

Get in line behind the rest of us, honey

Take pictures while you do so, and then post them on the Internet for all to see.

So, the Mr. and I are watching The Fall on Netflix - excellent series, btw - and I just have to say that given his character in The Fall, the casting of Jamie Dornan in Fifty Shades seems kind of questionable. I can't say much more without posting spoilers for The Fall - has anyone else seen the series? Do you think

I've always feared that happening, and so have never used a vacuum pot. Ditto with a stovetop pressure cooker.

I'm kind of perplexed by people who "want the bass to overpower everything else" when they listen to music. Maybe it's the kind of music I listen to, or just my aural preferences, but heavy heavy heavy bass does nothing but give me a headache. I can't stand it when all you hear in the music is BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.

I also recently got into pour-over coffee, but I use a Bodum pour-over rig I got on sale from World Market after the holidays, for much less than a Chemex costs. With the advantage that the Bodum comes with a permanent gold-mesh filter (so you don't have to keep buying paper ones) and a cute little doodad that you can

I laugh when I see outrageous prices for cold brew in hipster coffee shops. The Mr. and I have been making cold brew with a jelly bag and a mason jar in our refrigerator for years. There is absolutely no skill or finesse involved in making cold brew. Here are the steps: 1. Fill jar with water. 2. Put coffee grounds in

I was a Pandora One subscriber until late last year. When my subscription came up for renewal, I canceled - because despite having "one million" songs in their database, I only ever heard about 20 songs playing on Pandora. I started noticing that I would hear the same songs over and over even on stations that were

No advice, just letting you know I have huge sympathy for you, and hope everything works out, one way or another.

Totally agree. And the craziness just escalates from there, from what I've seen.

there's a difference between BEING fucked up and STAYING fucked up, muchacho

I will never understand why some people will stay with a partner just to punish them for past transgressions, which is what I think is happening to you.

I'm really sorry for your friend. How awful for him. :(

He had a teeny role in Spike Lee's 25th hour that is seriously one of my favorite parts of the movie. I think he says "sheeeeeiiiitttt" in that too!