
Maybe I'll try that. It's the only thing I haven't tried.

I'm glad someone is looking into this - I really am - because it's baffling to those of us around her. She is a very nice person with a family and a successful career and then there's this…other thing, she does, and none of us knows how to talk to her about it. It would be easier for me if she had come to me and said

He married Jenny McCarthy, who seems kind of nuts, to me. I think it can be fairly said he may have some blind spots in his overall good judgment.

One of my oldest friends is part of some kind of New Kids fandom where she, and a bunch of other nearly 40-year-old women, get together and attend multiple shows any time the band tours. They buy some kind of ultra-level VIP ticket and get to meet the band at nearly every show - I think she's met them like 20 times at

No. Absolutely not.

Those were two very unlikely and unbelievable incidents. But for me - the whole thing was so out-there that those don't stand out to me as "oh, yeah. That would NEVER happen." because nothing in that book - not.one.thing. - would ever really happen in real life.

the second thing.

The stuff on Literotica is way better.

Quite honestly? I really can't pick out one part of that book that I felt was "more unrealistic" than another. The whole thing - the WHOLE BOOK - was so farfetched that to even continue reading to the end, I basically had to pretend like one hemisphere of my brain had been removed. And at the end of the book, I wished

Ditto. I have had hair down to to the middle of my back and hair short enough that the ends touched my earlobes, and regardless, I have to bend to dry my hair or it has no volume at all.

Yes. This is so, so important for people to understand.

upvoted because this comment is full of truth. TRUUUUTH!!!

Down, girl!

I had the same thought. The last time I had to sit and listen to someone as they rambled away, high on pills? They talked about basically the same stuff, in the exact same way.

My 7th-grade best friend got me "Life is Hell" and "School is Hell" for my birthday that year. My mother was appalled, which of course made the whole thing that much better. But I still have those books, and love them.

As soon as I heard the family was denouncing the movie, I figured it was because there was probably more truth in it than they wanted to hear. Whitney's family and her estate managers have a lot to lose if Whitney Houston doesn't keep a posthumous reputation as America's Fallen Sweetheart. But there's always two sides

The first letter-writer is in a toxic relationship, and I hope he figures that out and leaves before he either marries this woman or worse, has a child with her. One of my husband's oldest friends wasn't smart, and married the jealous, controlling psycho who freaked out any time he looked at another woman (live or

This is an excellent point.

The interesting thing is, yes, he has all of those things - but for a long time, if you read his press, it didn't seem like it was enough for him. He complained for many years about feeling disrespected by the "establishment" and not taken seriously, not being able to get funding for things he wanted to do, etc. I

Rodriguez gets more of a pass from me than Smith, not just because of Desperado and the original Sin City (which was brilliant, despite revisionist history), but because of - wait for it - the Spy Kids movies, which are actually really smart, funny, and well-done, at least the first two. My son loves those movies and