
Just sittin' here, curled into a near-fetal position, rockin' back and forth and biting my nails until Archer starts. Carry on.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Sansa Clip. I got one when my iPod classic Shuffle died and was seriously regretful I hadn't gotten the Sansa sooner. They are pretty amazing little devices, super easy to use, the SD card is a big plus. I don't know why they aren't more popular.

Another white-as-hell doo-wop girl here. Our plant puppet was operated by someone who had to climb into it and during one performance, he fell over. Chaos ensued. Good times, though.

Idris Elba = sploosh.


That's great to hear! We're only three eps in at this point (got derailed by family visitors over Christmas), but are picking it up again tonight.

I read the book with my son when he was 7, and then we watched the movie (which scared the tar out of him, way more than I was expecting even though I had tried to prepare him for it), and I'm just as confused as you. The book is extraordinarily tame compared to the cartoon. In rewatching the cartoon, I marveled that

I saw the similarities, but did not enjoy the former nearly as much as the latter, for some reason. I really wanted to like watching Twin Peaks and there was a lot I appreciated about it, as I said. But it's not something I think I'll ever go back and watch again.

Depends on how old Texass is, and where he lives. The "radio" where I live doesn't play Smashing Pumpkins any more - even the "alternative" music station.

- Watched Twin Peaks this year on Netflix. Made it through the episode where Laura's killer is revealed and then quit. I don't know. I can see the genius in it, but I didn't love watching it. I did appreciate how mind-blowingly weird it must have been when it aired, contemporaneously with shows like Dallas and Dynasty.

Godzilla was awful. Ridiculously boring. I agree with some others who have said it already - the wacko Christian shit put out by Kirk Cameron and his ilk is low-hanging fruit, for a list like this. Let's talk about the movies sane people actually saw.

Does anyone have directions to this Lake of Fire Ryan is referencing? My husband wants to go snow camping this winter and I figure, hey, there's probably no more comfortable place to go snow camping than next to a Lake of Fire.

Damien Jurado's album was very good. It didn't make my top 10, but I liked it a lot.

I think there is absolutely a correlation between what I see on "best of" lists and when albums were released - seems like anything released in the spring is out of sight, out of mind by the close of the year - unless it's really exceptional. Several of the selections on this A.V. Club list came out just a couple of

Never apologize for what you like

Aw shit, I forgot the Wild Beasts album in my list.

My top ten, in no particular order:
1. Sir Sly, You Haunt Me
2. Alt-J, This Is All Yours
3. Strand of Oaks, Heal
4. Spoon, They Want My Soul
5. Smoove and Turrell, Broken Toys
6. Wye Oak, Shriek
7. Bear Hands, Distraction
8. The War on Drugs, Lost In The Dream
9. Real Estate, Atlas* (this is probably my favorite of the year)