Now their fan boys are threatening the police that arrested them.
Now their fan boys are threatening the police that arrested them.
Drag queens don’t take away your little girls. DFACS does once it learns you’re regularly arrested for assault and terroristic threats.
I don’t have the energy for being herded into performative outrage today. Maybe tomorrow.
I see where this has gone off the rails with the white folk here on the Root and other places. As I recall a certain inconclusive dialogue with a coworker (in a past life it seems...) about the merits of Thanksgiving day and it’s ensuing grub-fest (that those Puritans never even invited the Native people to) with the…
What? None of that had ANYTHING to do with what they wrote, and then you insult them by calling them a coward? What the fuck?
Unless you have a post-grad degree in this stuff, no one cares what YOU eat. Because a) nobody is exactly like anyone else, and b) you’re probably not being honest because internet.
She’s badly dehydrated in that photo. So add that to her already badly disordered eating. Can’t wait for her diet apology book where she blames it all on her childhood and dating a famous man. She’s what, 25? So basically she got her grown woman’s body and freaked the fuck out that not looking like she’s in high…
Better pay, better benefits, dignity, respect, agency, and community. The order of importance may shift depending on the comparative lacks thereof, but those things are ultimately what it boils down to. Because that’s what it always boils down to.
This. And when was the last time Ray J was in any sort of news cycle since his sex tape with Kim Kardashian? That was 15 years ago. His last album came out 14 years ago. He’s not relevant. Unless Gen-Z is watching Love and Hip Hop, or Sharknado 3 en masse, they have little to no reason to know who he is, let alone…
There’s nothing that comes from any “heat” any of these cowards “receive”. Fake outrage as far as I’m concerned. This country’s “leaders” have not and will not do ANYTHING to these people that will cripple them financially and socially. The media doesn’t really go in on them as they should. It’s all fluff. Remember…
A white man who is not capable of taking advantage of the white privilege they have had access to since their birth is the most pathetic loser there is.
They are not actually afraid of being replaced, they are afraid of white supremacy and racism not being tolerated anymore in America.
“White Replacement Theory” is the tired old, rebranded “They’re taking our jobs!”. You know, fascism.
I don’t see a problem with condemning large swaths of white to poverty over racist fuckshit they did. They certainly don’t have any problems condemning us to poverty for the crime of not wanting to be enslaved.
A black child getting loud in a classroom will find themselves in the back of a police car but this little runt will suffer no consequences for his actions. smh
He had written “nigger” and “Here are your reparations” on his weapon. Yes but Wypipo and the media are unclear about his fucking intentions. One more fucking time: This unwashed, uneducated, useless piece of dickskin drove THREE AND A HALF HOURS OUT OF HIS WAY TO KILL AS MANY BLACK AMERICANS AS POSSIBLE. If you…
That child needed and needs his ass whipped and so does his fucked up daddy. Enough with the forgiveness it is time to show these vile fuckers some hands. Oh to all the white people traumatized by the Oscars where the fuck are you?
So at what point do these families sue the ever loving fuck out of The GOP, Fox News & specifically Tucker “bitchass trust fund pussy” Carlson? Really it is long overdue for that fucking hellscape of a network to feel some pain literal & financial. This piece of shit drove THREE AND A HALF HOURS to this city to…
Imagine thinking anyone in big tech is far left...