
Hoteps can do die in a fire, they are the mouthpiece of the hateful whites and more stupidier than them because they won’t be picked by them for being the “good” ones.

Damn. I wish those folks understood that not being sad that a harmful voice is gone isn’t the same as “celebrating” his death.

Rant but not all specific to this dude.

See Nina when you don’t speak to black voters and surround yourself with nothing but white fake ass progressive Cos play socialist brats this is what you get. HELLO SOMEBODY!!!!

Pretty surprised at the margin if not the result

I didn’t think Turner would win but I didn’t expect her to lose so badly. When it comes down to it Ohio’s 11th is going to have a Democratic rep in the House. So wouldn’t you rather keep the Democrat who already has a seat at the table (in terms of being “in” with other Dems) and who’s ready to work with the President

My Latin is a little rusty, but the phrase status quo more accurately describes not having enough votes to pass something amazing, that it does passing stuff that is insufficiently progressive.

Not only does this read like sour grapes, but as someone who hectors the Dems to pass stuff, shouldn’t it matter that Rep. Brown is much more likely to be a reliable vote for team Dem?

Turner said roughly 30 percent of the district’s turf is new, and those voters deserved an opportunity to weigh in on who their congressional representative should be.

Shontel Brown’s primary victory last night was an important step forward toward building a better Ohio and a better America. I was proud to endorse Shontel in her primary bid for re-election because she has been a strong leader in Congress and a partner in the work to cut costs and create jobs. She is focused on

I’m getting “I’ve been divorced twice and I date IG models as beards to hide the fact I like men” vibe.

My favorite part about Kevin Samuels and guys like him, is that they actually believe their audience is “high value men”, who have trouble navigating the dating world as successful objects of desire for women. In reality, the only people who believe the garbage they peddle are insecure, fragile men who can’t get

It didn’t matter the rehabilitation he’d done and didn’t matter the changes that he made, the apologies, both public and private”

My first thoughts:
“Please be Rochester Minnesota please be Rochester Minnesota please be Rochester Minnesota—Dammit!

1. This shit is why the CROWN act needs to be federal.

Specifically, Harris’ exact words during that debate were:

Benjamin. Adams. Bragg. Now, Ash.

No life. And frankly, I’d rather they stay in their trailer banging on their keyboards than out in the world where I’d have to deal with them. 

What is it with these cucks? How fucking sad is ones life they they spend all day trolling liberal sites? and you know for a fact he’s sitting in his gross trailer jerking it to interracial porn while hes does it.

As part of my continued service to my fellow readers, I took the time to watch the linked clips. Before drinking bleach, a couple of observations: