
LAPD has a yearly budget of 11 billion dollars. That’s a whole lotta more than 6 cops.

Biden’s approval ratings will go up, thanks to a rather historic breakthrough these past few weeks. Gas is coming down in price, too.

I’m totally on board with this idea.

And I’d wager that implementing such a thing could be done/happening much faster than we think.

Me thinks he’s buying influence.

A simple “Thanks, but we’re not a good match” works.


My ‘99 996 (coupe, 6mt, sport suspension, sport seats, lsd, fabspeed exhaust).

This. There’s more than enough men on the incel-to-alt-right pipeline already.

Eh, I’m an eternal optimist, thus I see signs of change (albeit small) happening all the time. I believe it’ll be like a tidal wave, small increments, until suddenly it all washes over us.
But as I said, eternal optimist.

And while I’ve not read Termination Shock, my thesis since reading Ministry has been that all it

It’s funny, all the short men I know are in happy relationships. It’s not empirical data, I know, but yeah.

Seeing as how hugely all the tech companies - those that collect data - are valued at, our data is very VERY valuable, even your individual one.

We just have to make changes. Policy. Boring as is. We’re currently creating a dystopia so that companies can sell ads. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Have you read “ministry

Also the current GQP platform (see recent ruling on the EPA from our ‘nonpartisan’ SC).

I predict he’s the first we’ll collectively eat, in the movement to eat billionaires.

The huge difference would be our ability to use our data to earn money. Currently it’s just taken, collected, sold, and we’re clearly getting the shorter end of the stick.

My hunch is nothing ever will.

Ever heard of sealioning? Recognize yourself in it?

Yup. “Think of the birds!”

Another good argument for more public transport options.

We ought to not finance semi-criminal gangs in our society. Defund.

Your post sounded somewhat reasonable in the beginning, but when I came to this part:
The issue here is likely 2 things - cops who do everything they can get away with, and do gooders, extreme leftists, who hate cops and love crime and criminals. Adding layers of paper pushing boards determined to do nothing to fight

Ever since the first trial he’s been begging his listeners to donate money: “something something deep state is trying to bleed us dry. Your donations keep us running, we’re the last defense against the devil worshippers. etc.”

He’s been raking in 200-250 million dollars a year the past few years. There’s tons of money.

This lawyer, Bankston, was on the Knowledge Fight Podcast a while back, talking about the initial case that led to the ruling, of which the damages are being decided in this case now.

He was very interesting to listen to, taking apart the deposition and the sheer ignorance and arrogance of the Jones team during said