
Yes, I hate that on every rental I encounter. 

Ok, boomer.

(that was fun. now let us throw a bunch of insults at each other, you calling me a kid, me calling you a boomer, despite us being only 15 years apart in age).

Serious answer:

I would hope that you intend to grow and revise your worldview until the day you’re no longer sentient. I certainly do wish that for

Dude, you ought to really read into what ‘toxic masculinity’ means. It has zero to do with demonizing one gender. It instead describes expectations/traits society calls masculine that are harmful to both men and women. I think this is at the heart of your disagreement with me, you misinterpreting the term. It does not

Dude, the Psychology Today article argued that toxic femininity doesn’t actually exist, and if one would be to argue that it indeed does, it’d be understood as ‘encourages silent acceptance of violence and domination in order to survive.’ aka a side-effect of toxic masculinity.

Yes, women/girls can be fuckin’ monsters

Oh boy, are you in for an awakening.

Most men give a huge shit what other men think of them. We won’t admit to it easily, we might not even consciously comprehend it, but we do.

No, I’m a man. And it’s not at all a poor take on how most men think. For example: despite most women saying that they prefer an average penis size, men are obsessed about being well-endowed (you cannot argue against this), which clearly isn’t because of the women wanting this, but because they measure themselves

I’d argue the men who don’t wanna drive minivans do it out of a feeling of perceiving a minivan as un-manly. That’s textbook toxic masculinity; I’m not man enough in the eyes of the others if I drive this minivan.

The women who don’t want their men to drive minivans do this out of the same feeling; he’s not man enough

I think it’s less about boning other moms and more about impressing other dads/men.

Toxic masculinity hurts us all.

As an avowed car enthusiast the prospect of less cars on the road due to a much better public transport system sounds glorious to me.

Everyone should be concerned about it, indeed.

Yeah, but that exactly the wrong perspective: providing utilities to a state is not first and foremost a business, it’s a utility and a much needed one at that. People freezing in their homes while the whole economy is on halt speaks clearly to that.

So, the folks in charge of providing energy to the state should

What really is important to you point 1 is that the vast majority of those cops killed in service are due to traffic accidents.

Anecdotal evidence vs empirical.

His head should be first, though.

Also, plenty of places across the world manage to have their wind turbines work in even colder climates.

I believe Texas just cheaped out when buying their turbines.

Thank you for this. 

How much more evidence do you need?

Defund the police.

Yeah, in the general her opponent dropped out, due to being served divorce papers by his wife.

Nah, she won her primary by quite a margin (57.something percent) and has been an outspoken Qaren since first running for office. Her constituents actually enjoy having her there. They are the insanity.