
I’m not trolling you, and it was you responding to my initial post.

I understand flow rate and your example is cute and works and right and all that, but I was fully aware.

My point is that the traffic on US highways would be much flow-ier and people would get to work faster if they held more distance. Where that number

Well, 45 has been exceptionally bad at presidenting and hugely corrupt, as have his followers - see refusal to wear masks, denial of realities such as a virus running amok in the US or the whole q thing. And as they’re fucking it up for all of us currently, they cannot be ignored and thus are commented on.

I mean,

More cars on a stretch doesn’t mean ‘getting to work faster’. If you measure in traffic jams (those for no reason as well as those for reasons of accidents), you’ll likely average out over the year.

And yes, if the car in front of you stops instantly. Which is what you have to assume, adding in safety margin.

It takes about 320ft to stop from 80mph, and about 120ft to react before you apply the brakes. So, anything under 500ft is too short to not crash into the car in front of you.

With that much spacing, traffic flow is much smoother, cutting down on those ghost traffic jams that are created by cars too close to each

Thank for this.

Curious what “Instruction” entails (ESL here, so the word means little outside of its dictionary definition), as it’s more than a quarter of all expenses.

Your reading skills are real shit if that’s your takeaway from this.

Lol, I chuckled..

He sure does.

I agree with you on narcissists and sociopaths. But I have a hard time believing that 60 million narcissists exist in this country.

People are very susceptible to strongmen in times of uncertainty. The promise of simple solutions, peppered with some rage and cruelty, seems like a recipe that all too quickly gathers

Yeah, 2-3 car lengths at. 60mph is asking for a crash.

Same here. The result is I’m driving a lot more defensive now, allowing plenty of space between the car in front of me and my bumper.

Some websites can have more than one editorial position, you know? That’s usually why they hire different writers..

If everyone kept at least 4 seconds of distance, one could argue that speed limits above 85mph could be doable.

Seeing as how aggressively Americans like to tailgate, no thank you.

“I’m gonna eat you. Did I just say that out loud?!”

Something crazy.

Of course it is. I have desires for revenge. I chuckle at sunken boats with 45 flags on them. But I don’t wish ill on anyone, except 45 and nazis. I wish for them to be better and adjust their perception for it to fit that thing called reality.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you’re a right-winger. That was certainly not the impression I got from your post. My comment was about the “you’re on your own” mindset, which is very libertarian/right-wing.

While I understand the desire for such, the humanist in me cannot agree, despite how despicable those people

Little Nazi-cosplayer Chad Wolf likely was the culprit in changing the language, as they’ve been trying to downplay that threat for a long while.

Nah, see, that’s the difference between right-wing and the rest of us: one side is all ‘revenge’ and ‘let them all suffer/cruelty’, the other sees stupid people doing stupid shit, yet still doesn’t deny them their humanity.

As a medical doctor you would know to include many a factor into this equation: travel destination (SF, LA, Seattle, NYC beats almost all other places for international travel by a large factor), timeline (NYC, Seattle and LA got the worst of it early on when very little was known about the virus and no measures had

The crazy in her eyes..

It reminds me of Michelle ‘loony eyes’ Bachmann.