
Funny then how they chose to ‘arrest’ her in the middle of what could turn into a violent protest by their very own actions.

Whoever gave that order is the dumbest tactician ever. Or did it deliberately to instill fear and terror in the protestors.
My money’s on the second one.

She was issued a desk ticket. This ‘arrest’ was totally out of proportion. The damage she allegedly did doesn’t compare to the amount of resources spent to have 4 plainclothes officers pull her from the street, in what is a highly questionable move, legally speaking.

It’s shooting cannons at sparrows.

Yeah, ‘assumed’.. I strongly believe LE in this country pushed beyond being worthy of that assumption a good while ago.

It’s as if they wanna convince people that they really are as they are being accused.

Problem is only, half the country applauds them for doing so. And half the commentariat on here as well. As expected.

Found the fascist.

Not in this case, anymore, no.

The NYPD is acting as a quasi-rogue agency at this point.

They can still pull the funding, but they risk quite a lot for doing that.

There’s no proof for that.

I don’t think PDs across the US deserve the defense of ‘laziness’ in July 2020.

Their stance has been made all too clear on where they stand when it comes to the Constitution, enacting all laws equally and restraint of excessive force.

All their unions proudly put their support behind 45, despite him being guilty of at

Her ‘alleged’ crime doesn’t even warrant spending the money for 4 plainclothes officers and a plain van to issue a desk ticket.

It’s totally out of proportion. It should’ve been a letter sent to her address. Or handed to her by some civilian.

This is all about intimidation and showing that the NYPD can do whatever they

She is not a criminal, she was the suspect of putting stickers on surveillance cameras.

So, at best, a suspected criminal (she got issued a desk ticket, so criminal doesn’t even really apply here).


I have been stopped by an unmarked car and have been put in there in several countries (in Europe). For a normal traffic stop.”

I don’t believe you.

Remember Serpico?

Sane people have been questioning the legitimacy of the NYPD for decades, and rightfully so.

She’s not a known criminal, she was issues a desk ticket, for allegedly putting stickers over surveillance cameras.

It’s working. If you can stomach it, try reading some comments on a right-wing FB group posting about this.

Their ‘words to live by in 2020':

“I said it, so it’s true.”

Companies everywhere have a part of their annual budget set aside for lawsuits, many even for things such as ‘buying a congress person’ (otherwise also known as lobbying or donating to a campaign). That’s not specific to California. And frankly it should make us rethink why we let companies do without much stricter

Sure, that may play into it. It’s still uber-racist. The reasons for it don’t matter. “Action speaks louder than words/motivations” and all that.

Nah, plenty of deep-down racists living the upper middle class suburban life.

This is how it’s handled in Europe.

True. It’s the American Way™.

You know, the government could’ve just done what some European nations did:

spread the 3 trillions amongst the 330 million people. This would’ve given each person about 6k in direct payments, enough to have them all lock down for 6-8 weeks, thus killing the virus (or at least get it within

This. It’s an american made movement.