
Here you have to hire a lobbying firm to do that for you.

Yes, Europe has cities like that.

An interesting concept, for sure.

I’m glad it read as succinctly worded, as these complex ideas/thoughts can be rather hard to write down (in a language that’s not my native on top of it).
Your inputs and questions forced me to think about this more in detail, and for that I’m thankful.
Btw. David Graeber’s “Debt” is a fantastic read on all things

Totally agree.

I think one of the biggest issues is - as you mentioned - the abandoning of the importance of stakeholders and shifting all the focus towards shareholders.
Especially considering how removed shareholders usually are from the area a corporation operates in - we’re less likely to care about people’s

I’ve been using my Sony Bravia TV I bought in 2010 for 150$ off a friend who moved ever since. Mainly because I like the softness in contrast of the plasma vs. LED, but also because I didn’t really see a reason to replace a fully functioning item for no real reason (besides buying something new).

Meaning, you’re

You’re not wrong.

I lost it on that line. Perfect.

And he looks exactly like you’d expect him to look like, trying to argue silly semantics about Adolf.

Lol, you’re a gem. Please never stop.

This, again and again.

Agreed on all points.

If we’re expecting the same profits and continue to externalize the environmental costs of transporting shit on boats across the world, then not.

It’s not too insane a theory. Reading about the Weimar Militias in Germany pre WWII , the analyzing of their letters in “Male Fantasies” paints a picture supporting your idea. They describe their wives overwhelmingly in cold terms, using family heritage as descriptors to why they love them, praising their frigid and

Yup, this. It plays into those teenage fantasies of ‘I’m the ONE’. It’s just that most people grow up and realize that they’re flawed beings, and certainly not the ONE.

As always, it’s opposite day with the reactionary right.

Are you willing to pay much higher prices? Are you able to?


Of course, in a normally functioning society with stock markets as we know it one reasonably expects a return on investment.

And judging by the (admittedly rather short) history of the stock markets, the portfolios will recover and gain over the next 10 years.

There is a larger discussion to be had about the ethics of

I’ve got the 996.1 ones. Simple as can be, perfect fit for me (though if I was 60lbs more, I’d not like it, likely).