
Keep in mind that Apple Arcade games can’t be bought through the normal app store, so developers are probably paid a safe lump sum when they may have sold more through the normal store.

obviously the joke.

Hey kiddo. Fellow Greek here. Your comment is the type of shit that makes all Greeks look like ignorant morons to the rest of the world. Remember how Greece used to be the land of great philosophers and warriors? Let's aspire to that rather than calling people we disagree with "Turkish". You can talk about how great

Oh yeah....1up baby. Oh yeah.

I mean, it's 2014—why can't I play Skies of Arcadia without digging up my GameCube?

im also one. honestly what got me was PS4 becoming the console of RPGs vs Xbox becoming the console of shooters/bros

Being a fan of Indie games certainly help to ease the waiting times between AAA titles.

Be honest, you typed all that up just to let us know you have friends in Europe.