
But with maybe 10% of the profit share. Sad truth is that Android users do not spend as much money on games as iOS users do. This is more like macOS vs Windows.

Honestly I'm surprised how close the Xbox 360 version looks compared to a PC that would probably cost about $1800 to look that good. I know that game runs a lot smoother on the PC but I would pay the extra money for better frame rates. Crazy.

I've been gaming since 82 and I can tell you its been like this since forever. The first year or two is always slow and the ports from the previous generation hold the next gen back. Remember Call Of Duty 2 on the Xbox 360? Look at the games that came out in the last year. Huge difference. It'll be the same with the

No way. That title belongs to Google. I still like these passion ads though. What are they going to do show people on Google searching for rashes and closest burger joint and iPads being used while someone is on the toilet? Welcome to marketing. I learned about this in JHS.