I’m actually surprised that the voice actress for Son Goku and Son Gohan is still able to keep up with her work at the age of 81! And able to shout all those those “aaaah” and special moves! Mad props to her!
I’m actually surprised that the voice actress for Son Goku and Son Gohan is still able to keep up with her work at the age of 81! And able to shout all those those “aaaah” and special moves! Mad props to her!
Of course, stealing the tailgate from pickups has been a thing for forever. Which I guess is why a lot of tailgates have locks. As I recall, third row seat theft was also a thing back when minivans were popular.
Yes on the GoJo. Also, try M-30, Goop, or Orange Power. It works with everyday clothing and all stains, including mud, grass staines, and blood. But remember to use the gel version. The abrasive version will scratch the fabric.
David and Raph already have the answer to this problem
Buy coveralls. Problem solved.
I’m going to guess that since the police needed a license plate number to put on the ticket, they discovered the prank when they tried to brush the snow off the the license plate, only to find more snow. I wonder how far they dug?
Damn, shoulda’ bought lifehacker stock yesterday!
My initial inclination was to side with Grandma Beetle here, but after seeing this woman’s house in context of her neighborhood, I think I’m on the “blight” side. The other houses next to her are really close and I don’t think I’d appreciate having a car in a tree basically looming over my house from my neighbor’s.…
Her whole house looks like a trashed meth lab, everyone is a “free spirit” until this shit show shows up next to your house, its not like its plastic flamingo or a mailbox that looks like manatee or something like that, its a fucking car chained into a tree, and people are don’t understand why some people might have a…
Upholds my ever burning desire to never visit Boston again.
See this is what happens when you don’t let your car warm up.
Claire, you know it will end up like this.
If you’ve resolved to get your life a little more organized in 2018, you can pick up this Rubbermaid tool tower,…
But for the love of all things paint, please don’t use the scraper or brush to clear snow off your hood or roof.
I do not do this because the cabinets and bureaus are not cleaned the way the bed is between gifts. I will hang up clothes in the closet, but I never put my clothes in the bureau. I set up the little luggage stand and open my suitcase or carry-on on top of it. I hang my garment bag in the closet. Unless I’m staying…
He’s nowhere near that demanding. I’m gonna go with a solid 45% to normal folks.
You know, I think you may be right, which would be absolutely astonishing.