The extreme mass of his arms has distorted space/time around the door it seems.
1. I was wondering why you didn’t link to the article, but it’s paywall’d.
“Goku loves his son so much,” Kirkland said. “And while he’s kind of an idiot when it comes to ChiChi sometimes, he’s a good dad. … When I was super young, I didn’t really think about it too much, but as I got older, seeing how much Goku cared for [his son] Gohan was something you didn’t really see very often.”
Can’t just assume a car behind you is going to back up because you’ve decided you want to back into a drivewa
Driver of truck thinks “ah, fuck it. They’ll make room for me” and crashes because they tried to intimidate a machine. Truckers need to learn how to drive, or they will be out of work a lot quicker than they think they will.
“That’s not how you beat a senator.” [twirls cane]
That. That right there is why people don’t trust unions. And that is a problem. I agree with you - I think unions should re-evaluate themselves (they won’t) and act like non-profits (if they aren’t, they should be). That is a major sticking point and really, I have no good answers for that. Probably no one does. Some…
Good thing their headquarters isn’t in Missouri.
I’m furious that your “hack: don’t do the thing the post is about” comment actually proved to be interesting.
So make it Battlebots, but with a 2 ton minimum weight. I like it.
I imagine they have kind of a musky smell.
I don’t think complaining here gets you a free Lifehacker but I admire your moxie!
It seems pretty easy what motivates him. It is the fact that border crosses have killed 100+ of his pets so their barking doesn’t draw attention. I’d probably hate illegal border crosses at about 10 beloved pets.
That seems to be the case around where I live. Aside from the two High-End Super wealthy communities all the HOA communities are of much lower value. They are probably the only properties around that are not over valued. For a lot of people they would be the only homes in their budget meaning if they want to own their…
Psychopaths only make up 1% of the population, and since they are always looking out for #1, are likely to jump ship as soon as they can profit off it.