
Specifically, about the topic at hand. Trump and his supporters are being blamed for these deportations when there are less deportations under Trump than Obama, at this point in the admin. I agree Trump sets a new low for presidents, but that doesn’t mean we need to distort facts to make his seem worse. As you said,

But why wasn’t it bad when Obama literally deported more people than any president in history, many of whom had committed no serious crime? Now all of a sudden people care because they don’t like the guy in charge?

But why wasn’t it bad when Obama literally deported more people than any president in history, many of whom had committed no serious crime? Now all of a sudden people care because they don’t like the guy in charge?

I think the reason it lives on is because the people living there believe they are the great symbol of liberalism. They are not. In fact, if you ask them about much of the progressive policies, they would be against it. But they think they’re perfect.

Except in the end GM meet the criteria to avoid being forced into bankruptcy by the government, and Obama decided to force them into bankruptcy anyway, at which point these negotiations took place. They would have been fine without the contingencies, since they already had the loan from the government. It was a

Also, in first and business class, the attendants are given a list of names to memorize for each flight.

An investigation doesn’t allow AA to ‘donate’ to the NAACP in person. I’m sure after this under the table ‘donation’, the NAACP will say, ‘these guys are OK’.

New York’s Worst Neighborhood Is Built Around The Car

Funny, politicians with workers in mind. There are a few, but most just want to stay in power and say whatever they think will keep them there. After living in Boston, I am convinced every democrat in that state just wants to make sure the poor remain poor. It is like the whole city/state is set up to keep people from

Why not both? A union worth $7B has money to do as much damage as a corporation. It is not always going to be ‘union good, corporation bad’.

You do realize the UAW is worth about $7B? They aren’t giving control of that money to other people. If there was a non-money driven union, that is one thing, but when they have the money to ‘donate’ $400,000,000 to a single campaign and get 20% ownership of two major companies in return, aren’t we just dealing with

They are still finding corruption in the unions. Union members in Boston were arrested for racketeering in 2015, I just mention because I was there at the time. They used to use the union pension funds to launder money for the mob. This is well documented. If the unions weren’t multibillion dollar enterprises, I would

You do realize a union monopoly would be just as bad and corrupt as any other monopoly, right? I mean they are pretty corrupt as it is and have a vast criminal history.

Donald Trump, White America’s Favorite Christian

Some cities mandate that the trains can only pass through at night to mitigate this problem.

I know a small town where the conductor really likes their local restaurant. So he stops there every time he passes through the town to eat. He stops the train, blocking the crossings, and gets a bite to eat. I can only imagine what they have put in his food for retaliation.

Faster than walking; maybe. Faster than driving; only during rush hour.

They don’t worship anybody. They are considered a religion for legal purposes, because it provides many benefits for the organization.

First hack: Avoid the city all together, for reasons previously stated in comments above. You will be happier for it.

It is when it is accurate.