
They could get him for noise, public nuisance, disturbing the public, etc, etc. There is a highway behind and businesses around, so even if it was his property, it could have a impact on the public. The laws are purposely written vague enough to allow the cops to apply it to anything they want.

I’m not sure why they even call it a luxury truck. It seems similarly equipped to most trucks in the US. Shouldn’t it just be called a truck? I guess elsewhere it may be more luxurious than the normal trucks.

You know that, or Benz tries to pretend it doesn’t make utilitarian vehicles in the US to maintain it Luxury mystique. I mean they don’t want their buyers in the US shelling out $170,000 for a car with a truck parked next to it on the lot.

Also, trucks have incredible brand loyalty. As Jeff Foxworthy said, if a family member came home in a Dodge truck, his parents would say, I thought he was raised better than that.

I still don’t think people get this. Obama was against third trimester abortions and against gay marriage when he ran, though I doubt many people believed that. It just made people believe he had some respect that these were hot button issues. That is part of the reason he won. Being centrist probably gets more votes.

Of course, the Republican nominee did not try to win the popular vote. If they needed to get the popular vote, they would have campaigned differently. There is no way to know the outcome if the rules were different from the beginning. If the Dems tried to win the popular vote, that is why they lost.

she held on to a fence as a Boeing 737 took off directly above her

I heard the workers installing the rails thought the bolt holes were too big and started adding washers, so the bolts would not pull through. Unfortunately, they were designed to pull through and release from the support posts to absorb the impact. A lot of people got hurt because of a few dollars worth of washers.

Honestly, I thought they were just Escalades with a bigger body, but I think armored Escalades are used even in civilian circles.

My parents neighbor’s kid had a popular youtube channel, FPS Russian or something. They said he made $80,000 in two months.

So I did a quick google search, you know research, for a control group. Trying to ascertain how many employees are lost with a typical move. The only thing I could find is that only half of Boeing employees moved from Seattle to Chicago during their HQ move. It’s not much but does suggest that it is not atypical for

I would love to know what is the typical loss for these kinds of moves. But that would have required the writer to do research and not just write opinion pieces.

Do you have to have a permit to park in your block? In Boston they sell 5,000 parking permits for 1,000 spots in the Back Bay neighborhood. So 80% of the residents are out of luck every night.

I can’t tell you how many actual progressives have told me they are thinking of moving to China or somewhere in Europe without understanding the reality of these places. Honestly, I think if they spent a day in China, as a citizen, not a tourist, they would stop nitpicking about every other word that comes out of

I know. I feel like they responded to his name calling with name call of their own just to get him riled up. All for those juicy, juicy ratings.

How to Survive Being Stuck in Traffic with Small Kids This Holiday Weekend

Why is there smoke coming out from around the front tires like that?

They talked about this in Boston. The answer was you tax things you don’t want to pay for stuff you want. So their answer was to raise the gas tax, tolls and implement a candy tax. I guess cars and candy are just evil.

I’ve seen worse. I saw a guy trying to park in a spot that was too small for his Honda. He had the back bumper touching the car behind and the front right bumper firmly against the left rear fender of the car in front, remember the spot was too small. He just set there hitting the gas harder and harder wondering his

Don’t they have something else more productive to do with their time, like sniff glue?