
The more I think about this, the more I am convinced people would never work again. I think we would be supporting people to go to college to get an art degree, even though they have no talent, supported by free tuition of course. Then they will move to New York to be with other artists and never make any money,

Seriously? What millennial do they have googling state outlines?

I would say no. I don’t know why this author always focuses on this bridge when Boston is full of these low bridges. There is pretty much a moving truck stuck in the Storrow drive bridges at the beginning and ending of the academic year, when 100,000 students move in/out. This is because one of the few highways in the

You’re missing the point, and I went off point as well. I was responding to a comment that said, “The “centrists” tend to believe that the poor are dragging the economy down, that government is “too big.” Yet, when you look at how federal dollars are actually allocated, a different picture emerges.” Then they showed

Have you ever talked to someone about why they don’t support ACA? Not politicians, average people. It is generally because they either don’t think the country can afford it, don’t think they can afford the tax and health insurance increases or they don’t trust the government to do a good job. No one is really

Since SS is not really viable long term and no politician can touch it, because old people vote, we will end up paying for it before long.

What are you even doing with that graph? You only look at discretionary spending and pretend it supports your viewpoint?If you include social security, welfare and healthcare a very different picture emerges indeed.

No, the article is saying anyone who doesn’t believe the way he does is immoral, and the only choices we face are moral ones, not financial or otherwise. There are very few people who want to deny people healthcare or welfare, but there are a lot of people who are worried we cannot afford to pay for these things.

Pretty sure it looks more like the suburban that was refreshed 2 years ago, which is also a paltry 18.5 feet long

Why do the bug innards look red in the pics. Was this a blood sucking type of bug?

Neighbors Pissed Off Over Man’s Massive Corvair Collection

Pretty sure I could make two to three 97 Wranglers with 350 hp for $20k.

two of the most popular modified cars: the Toyota Supra and Jeep Wrangler.

You realize they pay similar money in New York and Boston. Of course, I’m pretty sure the ability to make new parking spaces is a lost technology in Boston.

I like how Sherpas climb Everest barefoot several times a year carrying enough O2 tanks to keep the westerners alive and seemingly get no credit for it.

I do hope China will take a little trip out to livestream some of the Apollo landing sites so all those moon-landing denier morons can finally shut the hell up, already.

China definately will not confirm the Apollo site. When I was there years ago they had already started a propaganda campaign against the US version of the moon landing. They have been broadcasting films indicating the US moon landing didn’t happen for over 10 years. Their plan is to claim they will be the first.

Don’t forget the dehumanization efforts by this website and ones like it, where they refuse to acknowledge Trump or other GOP as human.

“You spent how much on a Honda Civic?”