I’m excited to understand that entire sentence.
I’m excited to understand that entire sentence.
Fun fact, Scott Ian from Anthrax is Meatloaf’s son-in-law.
Well, I was pretty fucking hot them (as I am now), but I never knew putting your big dirty Doc Martins nearly on some guys coat was a sign of attraction.
In all fairness, there is no way I would sit in the rain and watch Meatloaf anyway. Maybe he was doing everyone a favor.
It warms the cockles of my heart knowing that Dave Attell is as cool as I think he is.
Classic Stabler!
This is a slightly expansive reading of the word ”famous.”
I actually have more respect for a guy who steals from sick kids than a guy who goes to Power Rangers conventions.
You know why the English don’t make computers? They couldn’t find a way to make them leak oil.
The next time you’re in NYC and you see someone carrying a bucket, box, whatever, ask him what’s in the bucket. I guarantee you the bucket will be full of “fuck you”.
In NYC you could push a shopping cart full of bloody dismembered body parts down the sidewalk and everyone would just mind their own f-ing business.
You realize kissing their ass anonymously won’t actually turn you into a billionaire too?
Overlooking the hypocrisy and stupidity of the claim for a cheap shot at a shitty state? Cool bro. Be sure to speak up when it happens to your state.
Because its another lie, just like the Ford plant story.
Hey yokels, enjoy getting fucked in the ass:)
I’m sorry, I can certainly agree that there were and are reasons to be disgusted with be politics of the moment, but for as long as the human race exists, no one will ever come up with a non-stupid reason to make Donald goddamn Trump the president of the United States.
I like how people who like apples are delusional, but people who want oranges are righteous.