So you have no explanation that doesn’t make you look like a hypocrite. Got it.
So you have no explanation that doesn’t make you look like a hypocrite. Got it.
Man, learn how to use a goddamned semi-colon.
You think what I said counts as being a troll? Maybe look up the definition?
America Uber Alles!
Allow me to repeat myself. What is it about the Dude that you admire so much? It seems hard to believe you would enjoy a character that seems to be so opposed to your expressed beliefs.
Do you spend much time googling 15 year old models? Where’s this information coming from?
Great answer. Very convincing.
Buy American - where’s that hat from?
It has nothing to do with tolerance or liberalism or anything like that. You selected the Dude as your name and avatar and you are nothing like him. What is it about the Dude that you admire so much? It seems hard to believe you would enjoy a character that seems to be so opposed to your expressed beliefs. I am…
Change your name. The Dude would never agree with you or the ignoramus you elected.
My plan for the day was to talk about how it was the anniversary or Kristallnacht (78 years on( and react to some videos and articles. The parallels were horrifying.
You are a disgrace to the Dude, dude.
Don’t sully an awesome movie by getting your doof germs on it.
Whoa, you guys ALMOST walked out?! For real? That’s almost as badass as the time my steak was overcooked and I was going to send it back but I didn’t. Stay gold.
Super weird they didn’t delete it immediately after you commanded them to do so. What’s your plan B?
Physically repugnant? Newsflash, dipshit: we aren’t young forever. Who gives a shit what she looks like anyway? No one cares about your boner.
Weird that they can be distrustful of Washington after filling at least half of it with their ilk, isn’t it?
Fucking A right!
She wears too much eye make up.