Don’t blame the victim.
Don’t blame the victim.
For me I love Tesla and it’s mission, but I love the quirky weirdness of the BMW i3. I like that it has a carbon fibre monocoque, is rear wheel drive only, and is actually really great to drive. I like I can get a range extender should I need it, and it is slightly more premium than a Volt or a Nissan, both of which…
I remember being a kid, riding home in the family car, across 8 miles of desert roads, and holding my little toy cars next to to the window, using the passing landscape to pretend my car was driving over the bumps and berms, mowing down mailboxes, and trailing a dustcloud a mile long.
Save your concern trolling, friend.
I’ve casually spoken to 2 former prosecutors and 2 cop friends and I’m reasonably confident I’d never see the inside of a cell, given similar circumstances. At worst I’d pay a misdemeanor fine of $500 and/or unsupervised probation (in my state, anyway). The driver could sue me, I…
Fucking christ. I bet this taintbag asks rape victims what they were wearing too. What kind of fucking person watches a video of a car plowing into a pedestrian area and says “ehhh, they shouldn’t have been standing there”?? I’m having trouble deciding who’s the bigger asshole: the driver or the apologist.
All that power and it can't make it up a 3% incline. Man Bugattis are garbage
Can you even imagine how much nut Derek would be making at the Catalina Wine Mixer?
Guy Living In Hot Place Does Stuff With Heat.
I think the British should stick to food
I’m more infatuated with that shifter/boot combo to be honest
Because she is a woman and she’s an easy target for self righteous fuckheads in the internet. People need to feel superior and on a car related website EVERYONE is going to claim they are a better driver if they can feel better about themselves. They’re victim blaming morons, nothing unexpected.
Looks like extra gear will be the one to watch anyway
I’m not a legal expert, but I’m like 99% sure he’ll end up being forced to coach a hocky team of ragtag misfits. From what I’ve seen in the movies it usually works out surprisingly well.
I actually don’t the mind the bro-narration, it lends a certain je-ne-sais-quoi to the experience:
It’s all due to friction
But hey, it’s free right?
And the center armrest that’s as wrinkly as Old Man Jenkin’s ballbag.
That fender “vent.” No. Just. No. Please no.