Is this the same Porsche that makes the SUV thing and the hatchback sedan? I didn't realize they still made sporting cars.
We have them in Arizona. There are strobes that start flashing in the intersection, then the light changes. Nothing to see here folks.
if it was a rear drive 6mt wagon I'd be sad
The first time I drove to Boston my Garmin told me to take the tunnel as I entered the city and boom - no nav. What the hell? Confusing as hell down there and the thing never found itself the whole time I was in Boston - even on surface streets.
was towing a 5500lb bought with a tacoma. 70 mph this started to happen, let off the gas and it was fine. speed can kill when towing - hence the speed limits on the trailer
This, this is funny. "That was not the tires"
which means FWD FTW!
Because (short videos) > (long videos). Chris Harris knows this. The others fill their videos with useless standing around and talking.
He's not yelling at us! Can someone find the first Motorweek where John Davis starts yelling?
my 2001 says made in Japan on the door
He was spot-on with sight-lines and lack of visibility in current cars
My good friend was driving his girlfriend's car cross country once to deliver it to her new home in Florida. It had sheep skin seat covers when he started but not when he arrived.
Mustang based Lincoln?
I love cars but know very little about fixing them. However, this is a conversation I've had more than twice:
I am the "car guy" amongst friend but I know nothing of how to fix them. However, I know that whenever I am asked about a check engine light, I always answer: o2 sensor. I'm 3/3 on that diagnosis.