
State Senator

But Misty seemed to give no indication she was pissed. I think Ben is still the obvious culprit.

Sophie Thatcher’s the superior Nat.

After they split up because he accused her of killing Adam? Cause prior to that I don’t see her confessing to any other murders. I don’t really think they spoke at length after that, but maybe I’m wrong. 

I think the rope was to secure the cabin doors.

Things went from zero to crazy really fast in the present storyline. I had trouble understanding why the characters were doing what they were doing, especially Lottie, but not just her.

Just checking, but we all knew that Kevin was dead as soon as he was handed the hot chocolate, right?

it deserved the A rating. You’re watching a different show. 

Isn't there caves down there? I'm hoping it's for exploring them.

That would be great. But I think I saw him taking a rope, and I’m pretty sure early next season we’re going to see him swinging from a tree.

It’s hard not to see this as a response to Juliette Lewis who was on record saying she didn’t love the direction the show was taking with her character (after season 1). Maybe she was more pleased with Nat’s turn in season 2, or maybe she asked to be knocked off, I don’t know, but I think losing Nat is a real loss for

Lottie is confusing in both timelines, particularly the present. She and Shauna staking out contrary views about whether the wilderness spirit is a real external force or not continues to be interesting though. I somehow feel that Shauna is totally right that it isn’t real, and Lottie is also totally right that she is

Add Walter singing “Send in the Clowns” before the cops show up to the list of needle drops. Yeah, it counts.

As fun as it was to watch Walter get involved, that was a really stupid and far-fetched way to wave away the only real outside danger they faced in the series. So in the span of maybe only a couple days at most he somehow managed pin two murders he only has some knowledge of on a cop? He had no problems happily

It really doesn’t bother anyone that Juliette Lewis’s mannerisms ALWAYS make her look drunk/f’d up?

I get that she’s an addict, but it’s just so overdone that it’s distracting. People are singing her praises for this performance and I just don’t get it...

eh, i think S2 of Yellowjackets stands up pretty well against Twin Peaks S2

Misty keeps her glasses on because not being able to see only makes you more vulnerable, even in a float tank. She doesn’t want to be vulnerable, even with herself. Anyone with a high glasses script knows that we don’t like being without them any more than other people like being without their eyes 😂

I can't think of any other specific examples off-hand, but that clip includes Hawkeye asking if their shipment of blood had come in yet from Seoul.

Seemed pretty obvious to me.

that's an awful scene; so coercive.