
Ben always puts these girls’ well-being first.”

She the weakest link and least convincing as the grown up version of her younger version

Exactly people who think of twin peaks as peak tv have all agreed to ignore it's severe decline 

These reviews really bring out the nitpicking in me. God I miss quality TV reviews 

Yes! I was 95% sure it was a dream from the get go but really appreciated what they explored through it thematically and then still found the reveal devastating. I think it was well crafted and that we were supposed to question it’s veracity the whole time

Agreed I don’t think it was anything to do with “euw vagina” he’s becoming increasingly dissociative when shit gets too real and that’s not his fault but I tell you what I still yelled brutal insults at the TV about his absolute uselessness as the only adult in the room. Understandable but still unforgivable IMO

I think your edit is what was intended but I still don't understand it in relation to what happened 

I am so glad it wasn't just me. I read it over a dozen times and still can't figure it out 😕


Thanks for this interpretation of “dying for beauty” I was trying to think of a situation that would describe and couldn’t think of a thing, just read as ‘faux deep’ to pretend at vulnerable bonding to me.

I don't this Gregg is The Cowboy but I'd absolutely believe he was looking for a rich lady to target from the get go, that's actually how I interpreted him in season one and was surprised nothing really came of it. Seeing them married this season made me think "oh I was wrong" but his odd/mean behaviour immediately

Mia is ...not good. I'm not sure she's supposed to be read as especially good

Maybe not but she repeatedly claimed to have always wanted to go to LA,could be a stock line” she uses on clients or maybe not

I am not a gay man and it was also not a surprise but I think the real subterfuge is that his job is to distract Portia

I also think this about Mia but didn’t the officer in the opening scene say there were actually several bodies? Am I misremembering?

Yep if there's any attraction between the two it's based in malice

Surely "whatever's going on with Gregg" is arranging to have her killed by Quentin's men no?

I think neither of them are into each other but also totally expect them to f*** for “f*** you Ethan” reasons 

It's either that or "stay away from my husband get your own 'trainer'" but there was no chance it wasn't entirely calculated 

Even if that wasn't the case (I agree with you that it is) it wasn't an especially deep reflection on life and beauty 😅