
I think you mean “unpresidented.”

Two things he said this morning:

I clicked on this just in case it happened to have been Mitch Albom vs. Peter King. Bummer.

As usual, Belichick lies low and lets the highlights do the talking.

Way to bury the real issue with this picture. That guy’s haircut behind Bill. That is a look...

In OBJ’s defense, the grounds crew member kept telling him that he’s “not just a member of the grounds crew, he’s also a part owner of the team”.

Remember that phrase. It’s going to come in handy a lot for the next 4-8 years.

Who the fuck doesn’t love pudding?


Sitting on that has got to hurt your BACK BACK BACK.

Not to worry, the Raven fans will continue to be antagonizing DBs.

Alternate title-

I’m really dumb, so I read the Fire This Coach every week and say “Fired!” out loud when it happens.

“Because eventually, you’re gonna be the guy being dragged off the plane. And that man by the window will not help you. And then the plane will crash.”

Automatic rear hatch window, like the passenger doors or sunroof. It’s super cool, my brother has one.

especially considering the other party is in the mess because they had problems following the rules...

Yeah maybe I’m a big dumb idiot but this video deals with defogging. Defrosting, which I deal with daily for several months up here in the north, definitely doesn’t work this way.

My experience, the best way to defrost your windshield is to start driving right away while you can’t see anything. Roll your window down

That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.

From Left to Right: