
My cousin works for the DOE overseas. He’s pretty upset about this whole election thing to say the least and he’s a level headed guy. That really scares me.

I have a head. That could’ve been me. Crazy.

Shit congrats. On a side note: what the hell are you thinking man? Does your mother know about this? Do you have relations with hookers without condoms too?

They’re vastly different actually, but thanks for showing up. We appreciate you.

oh jesus

Kramer is allowed to do it.

Who IS that lady in the picture? I’m asking for my friend Leonardo DiCaprio.

Crimea river.

This was meant for Billy I respect the “the” argument.

All I’m saying is he’s the President Elect so he probably gets to know some stuff like how it’s a 4bil operation.

Mr. Gorbachev, drain down this swamp!

I’ve been thinking this the entire time.

Nah man, he’s just stoned.

As long as he’s in genpop someone is gonna fuck with that guy right? I almost want him to be able to walk out just so he has to know what after rape life is like. Then again maybe the other criminals will thinks he’s awesome because NFL and he’s a king. Idk.

My friend. In comedy, timing is everything. Take a chew on that and get back to me in 3 years.

You know, I never, ever (never say never) thought I would say this, but I’m proud of TP right now. Lose with class that’s what we do right at least. First call out the management for ruining QBs lives and then congratulate the opposition. We have that going for us at least.

All could’ve been prevented if he had a halfway decent right back. Play Wilshere at all positions.

That’s fucking hilarious I applaud you. But seriously bad officiating in the NFL. Sad!

If you’re a fan on the field you should just be treated like a player. Favorite memory of my life is watching Jermaine O’Neill slip into a punch and catch the hell out of some guy during that Malace Palace debacle.

Penn St debacle had JoePa a statue and you think coaches should be suspended for things they absolutely have no control over? Let’s start small and not have TO’s taken away for not having a mouth piece in. We’ll start small and build up.