
Just want to point out that the Buckeyes are not a “franchise”. Those boys do not get paid dawg! Although, they (select OSU football players) did blow a lot of large bills at the bar I used to work at. But the girls always were ordering the drinks so maybe it was their money? The world may never know.

No one deserves to win anymore. Since we’re all getting into soccer, let’s call it a draw, move to Canada, and ruin their country. There’s plenty of space sure, but no California or Florida to sun in. Their hockey teams suck, so we would all be on board with cheering for a shit hockey club. And the Expos! They may be

Click bait? More like Chick Bait. Did you know that Barry had a trachea (yeah i looked up the spelling) sun tattoo? Lady killer, right there. Also the hot writers tho.

I wouldn’t let any of these men take my daughter / mother / female I know out for dinner. But only one of them’s a criminal. Jimmy Haslam FTW.

Not to mention we have apartments buildings being slapped up all over the city with little to no parking accommodations. We just got a CLE - CBUS - CINCI rail line bill shut down so I highly doubt there will be rails in / for the city while I am alive.

Just because Deadspin readers aren’t mouthbreathing homophobic morons doesn’t mean they won’t jump down your throat for saying something they don’t agree with 100%. I was pretty much thinking what you said before I got down here though. Let’s just focus on the Stanford scumbag and leave Boca Blondie alone.

I think the funniest part of this entire thing is that you think the Rundown (which Portnoy ALWAYS refers to as live even though it’s taped because he’s a goddamn idiot) being lost is suspicious. Are you writing about the same Barstool I know? You have bigger fish to fry man.

Give me Tokyo Sexwhale or give me death!

Team lets in two goals.. “defense just getting eaten up. Lost out there.”
Team lets in one goal.. “lackluster, boring game. Way to tentative out there.”
Goals and home runs aren’t all that makes sport awesome.

The only reason I know about where/what Baylor is stems from my childhood and their basketball player that got murdered and found in a field. I have no idea what happened to him, much like the Duke Lax scandal (they’re guilty, right?), but I thought there was some shady cover up type stuff then. All I know is screw

She’s beautiful. Men these days amirite. Dad bods FTW. Suh Dude, sweet.

Behind Wrigley (I haven’t been to Fenway yet), this is my favorite stadium in America! Seriously love me some Ball Park at Arlington. This is why I do not like Texas so much.