I wonder if he now realizes that, in a true libertarian paradise, he'd be dogfood inside of ten minutes.
I wonder if he now realizes that, in a true libertarian paradise, he'd be dogfood inside of ten minutes.
Their management has been a complete and utter disaster. Some of the best writers leave immediately, kinja is broken beyond repair, and they nix the only politics vertical in a constitutional crisis without notice or comment. Cool.
They’ll be looking to this for inspiration:
And a really good power-washing for the grill. Hooo, the smell of those clots in this heatwave
Well would ya look at that, it’s the resident chicken fucker, fucking them chickens again
The thing that’s so weird about the last six months is discovering that the two most relatively-honest and somewhat-qualified members of Trump’s cabinet have been Rex Tillerson (head of Exxon, almost did a $500 million deal with Russia for oil drilling rights before sanctions clamped down; chosen personally by the…
From the Guardian piece linked:
I was with you until the giveaway. He doesn’t pay his contractors; why would he ever give away a product? Here’s how it should read:
Golf Channel junkie here:
Also, not sure why age of consent is relevant here. Something can be legal and still be super creepy and problematic.
AcTuALy iTs ePhEbOpHiLiA
The White Sox extended the nets all the way down shortly after the June incident. We have season tickets a few rows up from the nets and can once again confirm that anyone telling you it ruins the experience of the game is a bold faced liar and is looking for any reason to complain. I’ve fought on this hill before…
That almost looked like someone was giving him hand signs to help him answer, and he was vamping with word filler until he could figure out the gestures.
Seriously. “He knows better” is a weird way to read Burfict's rap sheet
The snake that ate its tail, and then vomited up its own butt.
(besides wohl’s sec violations) it seems like they are so incredibly incompetent that they can’t get their plans going enough to get to the illegal parts. when i look at these morons i’m amazed that they haven’t choked to death on an ice cube.
Let’s take that offline and effort it at a later date.
Who’s really, really weirdly aggressive and self-serious about his lower-middle-management corporate training position. He would really like you to think he’s ex-military, but actually he just had a very disapproving father.
This is not about getting a maniacal partisan who seems to do well on TV on the case of defending Trump against impeachment. It’s about getting him a job in the White House, so that the Trumpsters’ bizarre assertions that Lewandowski’s actions before Trump was elected are covered by executive privilege.
This is what I was hoping for post-2016, when Trump lost—the tell-all books about his shitshow campaign. Seems so quaint now.