This is so dumb.
This is so dumb.
Christian Walker should stick to narrating those “Footprints in the Sand” posters
I live in an area where believe it or not, there are colonies of Peafowl. They are loud, annoying and leave their shit everywhere. So, an apt description.
Hopefully really well. Like, not-woken-up-by-multiple-gunshots well.
He reacts. That’s it. Provide a stimulus, and he reacts to it, usually in the worst imaginable fashion. He can’t link cause and effect any more (if he ever could) so cognitively, he’s no longer a tool-wielding animal.
He didn’t write those tweets. Too much correct grammar and not enough rage and Crazy Capitalization™.
Obama actually already repealed the 2A. Robert Mueller is working undercover with Trump to get it put back into the Bill of Rights, and once that’s done then all the illegals will be deported. Wake up, sheeple.
This is what we call, "hustling backwards."
It’s like when I used to watch The Following and then go on TWoP to rant with my fellows about the absurd and ridiculous “procedures” used by supposed veteran FBI agents. If I can do a better job than a supposed professional that professional should be fired.
He’d take his golf clubs.
These ones are.
Does any of the Democratic leadership know how to play hardball? Seriously. Start calling it like it is.
Pass a bill that mandates money for humanitarian relief for the child refugees that the republicans are abusing. Force the republicans to reject it on the record.
Nobody wanders on the heath better than Trump. Number 1. Nobody better. Heath wandering. The best. No collusion.
Yes. Trump is deeply abusive, so he seeks out people he can kick around and who will meekly accept that treatment, along with the blame for Trump’s behavior. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have coughed, sir! I made you yell at me!” Anybody with a backbone nopes right the fuck out of there.
Sounds like a job for Jared.
It’s like fantasy football, but when they lose, you win!
I'm really looking forward to his speech during hearings on Healthcare about how the Nazis were really SOCIALISTS because their name has socialist right in it!
She really is.