
That picture looks like a Star Trek still, nothing against Star Trek. 

It’s gonna be hard to get this through the prison lobbyist, but who knows miracles do happen. I think CBD will be more readily available, the US is noticing a lot of new pharmaceuticals based off CBD are going overseas. It seems that money is the only thing that moves some (most?) politicians. Maybe all of these new

I remembered hearing during the stream something about his visa issues, it’s nice to see him win despite all his troubles. What’s also noteworthy is that the two players used mains who are usually not seen in top 8, at least in Arslan’s case, but then again, we already had a player win a tournament with Panda, so....

Actually sweating while dehydrated smells a lot worse, and if someone is so dehydrated they can’t sweat, they’re on the brink of heat stroke so... having more water at the venue won’t really make the smell any worse, if that’s what you’re implying, but on the other hand, I think the sweaty smelly gamer is an old tired

She can say it was gratuities from freelance work, she can say she’s a dancer, a painter, bartender, waitress, gifts (you can pay taxes for gifts), etc. 

Now playing

Maybe because it was in Russia? The only other time I’ve heard about that here was DJ Khaled, but on the other hand doesn’t Lil Wayne talk about eating pussy in every other song?

Yeah, you’re right, I counted MenaRD as someone who had qualified but it was that his spot was guaranteed for being last year’s champ. Still, here’s to hoping this new setup will give other players from that region an opportunity to shine, I think it also makes things more exciting when an unknowns enter the tourney

Actually, didn’t three players from the Latin American region qualify last year? All three from DR but one had to drop out due to visa issues, which I hear is why some of the events were moved to be a week prior, to add a bit more time in case other travel/visa issues come up; although a week isn’t much, but at least

  • Stay calm when you come upon a lion. Talk calmly and firmly to it. Move slowly and never turn your back on it.

For whatever reason, my son prefers playing Tekken 7 Bowling over actual games made for his age, maybe bowling robots and bears seems cooler to him than puzzle games. 

What exactly is the catch here?

What exactly is the catch here?

It’s my understanding he’s from a private all boys high school in KY. He’ll probably be confirmed to be a supreme court justice judge or federal appellate judge in a few decades. 

Except for Spawn, I want Spawn in this. 

You would think that with all the attention this is getting, the athletic commission or whoever it is, would get their shit together. I mean, surely they’re aware that people are paying attention. Just canceling a wrestling match without giving a reason sounds incompetent at best. 

I’m surprised so many people dislike Gears now, it sold millions and was well reviewed, the first couple of Gears games with the Cover system, Horde Mode and no jumping had a big impact on modern gaming. I thought I wasn’t going to like it at first too, but the style grew on me, it had that 90s Image comics vibe and

Is this in development with Microsoft’s blessing or can we expect a shutdown of the game after a cease and desist? Looks cool. 

Jesus Christ, what kind of men do you hang out with? 

  • Female nurse serial killer who killed infants: Genene Jones,

The winner of Tekken World Tour made $7,500? Wow.... 

Unfortunately that’s not a guarantee, as there are more than enough violent, large and numerous white supremacist gangs in prisons that are more than happy to accept garbage like him. It’s funny really, the Fox media group always paint black and Latinos as the only violent gang members when the reality is you can pick