
Yeah except that you forgot the part where millions of immigrants pay into Social Security and do not use it, so the Federal Government ends up keeping the money. Also, if our jobs are all being stolen why is unemployment so low? Why can’t Texas find construction workers? Why are farmers complaining about not having

Ummmm.....did you not read my comment?

Tekken 7's sold almost 3 million copies and that’s considered one of the hardest and most difficult fighting games to play. Sure, maybe some other game out there has sold a billion, but that doesn’t mean fighting games aren’t popular, they have a dedicated fanbase and the article is interesting. By your logic, most

Most police departments usually operate like this in respect to take-home cars: a) you’re put on a waiting list, depending on inventory and seniority, typically get one after a year or so, b) they have the available cars and you get it during/after in-processing; c) you never get it as regular patrol until you rank up

Which is why I said partially, he is incorrect in saying that there is no registration for copyright; however, he is correct in saying that it is weird indicating that someone is in the middle of copyrighting something, for the reasons I indicated in the preceding answer. 

Why exactly? The copyright law that protects dance choreography was enacted decades ago. Companies are charging real money for something he created, why shouldn’t he get a cut? It’s not like this is some generic dance, Fortnite calls it the Fresh emoji for fuck’s sake.

He’s only partially wrong, the link you posted is not for copyrighting something, it’s for registering the copyright. Everything is automatically copyrighted once it is in a fixed form (which is why ideas aren’t copyrighted, as they aren’t in a fixed form...yet). In this particular instance, the fixed form would be

It sucked for that Dominican player that qualified but was denied a visa to go compete. Maybe next year Capcom can hold the event in Japan, since players from DR (which would’ve been three this year), or the US, wouldn’t need a visa. 

What you don’t understand is that the child that was conceived atop of the pyramid will be born with special Egyptian mummy powers. 

I thought the point he was making was about indie devs getting more money back while the storefront would still remain profitable.

Now playing

Guy farted, the other guy threw up and was disqualified. This is a brown belt technique. 

I saw this on PSN with my wife, we were both commenting on how subdued Nicholas Cage was acting...real subtle I thought.. .and then....yeah, worth every dollar, can’t wait to see it again.

Nah, Tupac is chilling with Bruce Lee. 

I’m sure half the comments are going to be how police want x, are y, or think z. As an ex-cop, who’s black and Latino, I’ll be the first to admit that there are some officers out there that have no business with a badge, much less holding a gun, but that being said, the problem with LE is much more similar to the

There are a couple of differences: you were a teenager, he is a public figure, and let us not forget, even if he is not confirmed, he is, was and will remain a very powerful figure in the U.S. (he’s a circuit court judge). If he didn’t do it, and was falsely accused, it must be frustrating for him, but as many others

I believe she asked for the manager because some employees were pointing at her and giggling and talking in hushed tones, which she deemed as unprofessional and wanted write a complaint, for which she needed the manager’s name.


Can they consider that information for employment purposes when it does not involve safety issues, for example, working with children, etc? Should they? I’m genuinely confused about the situation, is it messed up because he hired the sex offender and didn’t tell anyone, or because he hired one? It seems that the

Actually, it’s not really his brother, but a clone. But at this point we’re not sure who the original one was.

Damn... as soon as I saw the picture of the guy who wrote the article I was out.  BTW, for argument’s sake, name 5 classic hip hop albums.