Personally, I do think Resident Evil 2 was a year defining experience. From this list, I would be hard pressed to vote for anything but RE2 or Smash Ultimate. Personally, I would have nominated Devil May Cry V though.
Personally, I do think Resident Evil 2 was a year defining experience. From this list, I would be hard pressed to vote for anything but RE2 or Smash Ultimate. Personally, I would have nominated Devil May Cry V though.
Jump Force nominated for Best Fighting Game kind of baffles me. Soul Calibur 6 was still this year, right? I would’ve expected that to be nominated over either Jump Force or DOA6.
Best Fighting Game:
- Dead or Alive 6
- Jump Force <— LOL WHAT?
- Mortal Kombat 11
- Samurai Showdown
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
If Death Stranding was a film, it’d probably have a better chance of winning the Palme d’Or than the Academy Award. It’s a weird and provocative game that, while weighed down by some notable flaws (holy shit, Kojima, hire an editor please. Your cinematic storytelling takes twenty minutes in what would could done in a…
The Model X also has crazy powered doors, a separate structure under the body (rather than a stressed skin), and a lot more interior than the Cybertruck. I’m sure it’ll be heavy, but it might not be that far beyond what we’ve seen in the Model X.
...what isosceles triangles? the scalene triangle buttresses that the bed cover follows allows for more storage space than a regular, top of bed cover that most trucks with beds will use, and that’s not to mention that most trucks don’t have any bed covers. this thing has buttresses, sure, but so did the avalanche and…
I mean, what the fuck are you really talking about here though. The bed (vault, ahem) is clearly rectangular and you can keep the roof open.
My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a…
They will just claim NASA & George Soros are holding him hostage in the basement of Comet Ping Pong pizzeria.
Can’t wait for the game to be released on December, 2040. By then I’ll upgrade my vive to a consciousness uploader to play it.
This is a good article, highlighting the complete absurdity of this situation & needed to be said.
I’m sorry you had such an awful experience.
“Dallas police say there is no suspect information available at this time.”
Obviously. I blame your parents.
But it does provide privileges
Yeah but it was a decent Dredd.
Strike that, it was a GOOD Dredd. Not a A, but seriously at least a B-. (I could go for B+ for some scenes)