For everybody that ever complained or had difficulty defeating Aldrich: VOW OF SILENCE. After that, Aldrich becomes one of the easiest bosses.
For everybody that ever complained or had difficulty defeating Aldrich: VOW OF SILENCE. After that, Aldrich becomes one of the easiest bosses.
I agree with you, but for different reasons. Unfortunately, that is how they’re trained. I used to be a cop here, and the training honestly wasn’t all that different from infantry training. I received a lot of deescalation training (verbal judo) and a lot of shooting training, most everybody they hired at my old…
I get the outrage, especially as a black and Latino army vet; but never in a million years will this particular situation get anybody fired. If it goes to grand jury, or court every single LE, paramilitary, or military SME they bring to testify will back the officers because of the particular way LE trains in the…
You are given a citation, which in some ways counts as an arrest because you are in a way indicating that you will show up in court, and if you don’t show up then a warrant is issued; however, the fact that one of the suspects is a 15-year-old can help shed some light. Now mind you, I’m not saying there’s not…
Yeah, I think they should’ve just been like “we’re going for a sexy, playboy-esque type of game” and owned it; although I really hate the outfits breaking part, it just looks too ridiculous. Interestingly, the new DOA toned down the jiggle physics and seems to be going in a different direction.
Is it though? For the superior team, fighter, or competitor who’s going to steamroll the opposing team/competitor due to superior technique/execution they just have to be consistent. I think two somewhat evenly matched opponents like in this example, yeah adaptability is key, but I think Saint or Knee don’t have to…
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I liked Pitch Black, Chronicles was okay: a little too over the place, some nice plot points and ideas, but the execution wasn’t as on point. Riddick was solid, it was almost like two different films mashed together: a survival, sci-fi thriller, and a horror film from the…
Cavs in 6, but Boston is two syllables... so 6/2= 3...
Half Life 3 confirmed.
In a lot of police departments, officers are explicitly prohibited from using choke holds. If anyone can get a hold of the training memos, SOP or training standards for that particular department they should. Believe it or not, going against departmental policies can really alter a lawsuit and even change where it…
Yeah!! I saw this on the stream, chat went crazy. BTW Mena won Texas Showdown.
I’m glad someone else feels the same way, I thought the game itself was 2 bosses short, which I get:God of War moved to a new system, and a new engine so they had to spend time developing it, but I really feel like the game should’ve been 20 hours shorter. Those Valkyries and troll battles got old quick. The bridge…
I think we’re slightly better in the US: as a naturalized US citizen I have never been asked to present my resident card while randomly walking on the streets, and that’s taking into consideration that I am half-black and live in the south. You have to understand that even though we have issues here, and now more than…
Honestly, a lot of the time tiers really only matter at expert play, or with players that are really experienced, that being said, I don’t think I’ve seen a Panda in Tekken 7 top 8 from at least 50 or so tournaments I’ve watched in the past year or so. And who he beat too! There’s also the “unknown” factor, Jack is…
So... SonicFox hasn’t even revealed his final form: full fursuit.
Yeah, like....everybody else. There are dozens of tournaments per week, if you don’t follow the scene then you only hear about the incidents, and of course as others have pointed out, the international players are professional, MenaRD for example, used some of his winnings to help out the local scene from DR. Oh, and…
Oooohhh, the thought of doing a coop run with my brother.... :-)
Mimics can be very useful two, there’s a particular one in DS3 that is near the ladder before Wolnir. He will actually fight the Demon and nearly kill it too.
Man!! This movie (at least the plot) sounds awesome! Of course, it’s all about how well it’s executed. It might be something that’s so bad it’s good maybe? A good movie to watch drunk?
Chris G and Sonicfox both made it to top 8, this is going to be interesting! Of course GO1 is on there as well, and will probably win the whole thing, but I’m hoping Sonic gets to run it back with him.
OK, I just submitted mine, you don’t have to have the serial number, you can use your online ID, or email, I’m just hoping they can actually track that. I see two PS3 systems under my online ID, but I didn’t see the serial number, I’m hoping they can.