
Thanks for the article, but one quick suggestion, as someone also pointed out:

Glad you brought up the point that Puerto Rico, much like the rest of the Caribbean countries, has rich African ancestry. Slave labor was used heavily for sugar plantations, tobacco, etc.  

Wasn’t there some experiment about speech and dolphins that was shut down when the female assistant admitted to giving the dolphin a handjob? This is definitely strange territory, one could probably argue that dolphins are smart enough to consciously consent to such things, if hypothetically we could understand that

They’ll impose a tariff on violent video games now, but not the ones made in America.

MKX was the fourth most popular game at EVO 2015 (and that’s with two smash games), so second to only USFIV in regards to traditional fighting games, and injustice 2 was the third most popular at Evo 2017 (again if you don’t count Smash). And as far as the games he plays not being as technical, I would argue that the

You know, there are a couple of issues with this argument: First, an AR-15 will over-penetrate a target. I’ve seen it first hand, although it was an M4, but same difference. In all our war that’s not as big of an issue because you can just say collateral damage and call it a day, but in a suburb, that means that round

And this unfortunately is why you also need a robust and capable State Department. When used correctly, military aid, working hand-in-hand with capable diplomats and ambassadors can do much good. I don’t think repeated foreign military intervention does us much good, but after deploying to Iraq, I realized that things

I do see your point, I care, which is why I’d rather pay extra money and buy from humane, local, smaller farms as opposed to factories, I could also argue that a lot of Americans are starting to care as well, the market for cage less/open range  eggs has increased quite a bit. Also, something which people don’t equate

They wouldn’t do shit to Wakanda, at least not directly. Notice how nice we are to countries with nukes, imagine that times ten. I think in our lifetime mutually assured destruction will keep nuclear nations from all out war, and in this hypothetical scenario Wakanda has tech that’s way more destructive than anything

You might have a point: there’s been a couple of guys in the UFC that have actually gone up a weight class and looked better: Rumble Johnson, Dos Anjos, Whittaker, Cerrone (until recently), Frankie Edgar, Masvidal. There seems to be a sweet spot, most heavyweight champs aren’t the biggest either, that being said it

I mean... it wasn’t good, but was it that bad?

Mark my words: we’re going to eventually get Jiren, maybe even a Roshi. Sure, there are a lot of Saiyans, but they’ve done a good job including a diverse cast: Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Hit and Buu. I think someone like Uub would be awesome to have, but let’s not kid ourselves, Broly is absolutely one of the most

I was raised Catholic, I’m not anymore, but my question, if any religious commenter can answer is this: The bible repeatedly indicates that a sin is a sin, even if a sin is only in thought, it is a sin nonetheless. As far as ranking sins, it seems there are some worse than others, but blasphemy and the like seem to

I don’t know, I can see this easily backfiring. Who is going to determine who belongs to his community and how? So, if I go to another streamer’s chat and spam racist bull$#it, how exactly are they going to identify what streamer is responsible for it? I can see if it’s a meme, or emoji exclusive to a streamer, but

I saw this and was thoroughly disappointed, although I agree with many that a lot of the scenes were actually funny (unintentionally so?). That being said, after seeing this I picked Altered Carbon right where I left off and it washed the bad taste and more than made up for Cloverfield Paradox.

I’ve been an anime fan for quite a while, I’m a pretty grumpy dude myself and still find some good anime to watch: I was hating on DB Super, but was eventually swayed by the universe tourney arc. Still, there’s a lot of good stuff out there, Attack on Titan, Fate Apocrypha, I heard the Made in Abyss was amazing

I’ve never even heard of this until now, maybe I can watch this with my wife, I figure if I could make it through Kill la Kill, then maybe this as well? Although, honestly, I’m genuinely interested in hearing what an average anime fan from Japan or Europe thinks about this (I’m from Latin America, so in some ways

So it was the purge...light?

I just don’t understand guys who get angry at the “boobie” streamers. S**t, as long as it’s entertaining, why complain? Some streamers are high-level players, others are comedic and hype, others use sex, some suck and play hard games, etc... as long as it’s entertaining, they’re all legitimate streamers, if you don’t

I’m not gonna lie, that was hype. When I was a little kid my grandparents would give me one peso for lunch, and I wouldn’t eat anything and instead use it to play the (probably bootlegged) Street Fighter II arcade machine.