
Yeah, but counterpoint, I think everyone has a “stupid mistake” level, don’t know if that should define them for the rest of their lives. I don’t know this dude, but I know of many people who made out-of-character mistakes, then you look into it and almost always there’s death, stress, lack of sleep or some other

Great article, I enjoyed this movie, and was glad to see Jaa used to his full potential. I enjoyed the second Ong Bak move too, it was confusing, but some of those fight scenes were bananas. Also, although it wasn’t 2016 or 2017, but I just have to recommend people watch The Raid 2, for that knife fight alone, and

Phukkk cheeuh!!!

It was an awesome tournament. Yo!! En la Republica hay talento, lamentable que muchos no pueden competir por cuestiones de visa.

Let’s get it on now
Select and make your first pick
Let’s get it on Yo
10, 9, 8, 7, 6
Let’s get it on Yo
Choose and pick the best one
Let’s get it on now
5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Was Snake not at this year’s Evo? I’ve been trying to figure that out.

Robert Rodriguez is directing; therefore, there is hope.

Ummm.... who do we have to write to make this happen?

I agree that these all apply to everyone and women should absolutely respect physical boundaries, but I don’t think anybody would argue with the statement that we men are generally physically stronger, more aggressive and violent, that’s just the way it is. So, I’ll admit I’ve had women smack or grab my ass (one was

Here I’ll make it easy, this only applies to adult dating, for teenagers that want to start dating, that’s a whole other conversation:

Just thought I’d chime in, not really to comment on the story, but to point out that polygraph tests are not lie detectors. Polygraphs are really only used to keep people from getting certain jobs (typically Law Enforcement, and typically minorities), they are inadmissible in court, and have been shown to be

Hmmm.... don’t know if I would recommend to someone to start lifting heavy weights, and squats at that. That’s an easy way to injure your back, knees, etc. Heck, even some pro-athletes have terrible form doing squats (Cain comes to mind and he ended up with a back injury). I know a lot of “geeky” guys that just do

Grew up poor, my parents bought a Super Nintendo and I had the only one for miles, had friends come over and play (some time more than 10). we would play one at a time (or two if it was a fighting game) and just watch everyone else play while we waited our turn, it was actually fun, commenting, giving each other tips,

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Saint Saiya were huge in DR, Mexico and Brazil. We got the uncensored version and I remembered that even grown men would watch those shows all the time. Every Saturday was the Shaw brothers movie day. Then when I moved to the states and joined the Army I found a few buddies that also

Seeing him in action reminded me of Soul Calibur, I haven’t played a FF game since VII for the PS1 one, but he looks interesting and I’ll probably get him, but I’m really hyped for Geese. BTW, the Tekken World Finals have been crazy good so far.

Wasn’t expecting them, but now I have to buy this game, can’t wait for cyber Monday.

I was playing Titanfall 2 Frontier Defense with my brother last night, and we were talking about how good the campaign and the multiplayer was. I really do hope this game gets a sequel.

YEAH!!! Also, cause it’s Canada Cup, I’m sure there was a sorry in there somewhere.

I was taught to run and climb a tree, which I guess is wrong.

Can’t they sort of say that their game is a historical reenactment and thus, no one owns history. Also, was the contract not done for the US government, and therefore the people?