
Sorry, not trying to be a stickler here, but I’ve seen enough women, men, children and pets get assaulted, verbally and physically abused from a DV that stemmed from infidelity and then it was up to me to pick up the pieces. BTW cool factoid, in some jurisdictions it wouldn’t have mattered if your domestic partner

Isn’t there also going to be some Geese gameplay showcased this weekend for Tekken 7? I’ll check out the European Tekken stream, but I guess Europe probably has the weakest players: Korea > Japan > US > Europe? Who knows though, maybe the Paris tourney will reveal some unknown Tekken master. I’m hoping the TWT top

Didn’t know people had a problem with this...The first Last of Us was brutal; and sure there was context...because it was the whole game. They’ve already released a trailer for the sequel that didn’t have violence (the guitar one), I think it was the right call to release this one because I don’t want too much context

I don’t know, I think RicoSuave, 801 Strider, Snakeyez, Pokchop, etc, are probably in better shape than most bowlers, and most Korean and Japanese players are usually skinny, unless you were trying to make a joke, then I get it... it’s just the joke sucked.

I think it’s smart for him to start positioning himself to have a second career streaming games, too many fighters stick around too long and suffer the consequences.

Really? I replayed it a year ago and I found the shooting mechanics to be just as solid as RE4 or the first Gears game. Sure, not entirely original, but there’s nothing fundamentally broken about it, also the enemies are one of the most satisfying to shoot.

Sure is, but let’s not miss the forest for the trees, or are you just looking for an excuse to justify this? The outrage is not that he’s here illegally, it’s that you have what I think everyone would agree is a low priority (no criminal history, citizen children, and a legal path to citizenship), and on the other

How about top ten ghosts in fighting games next! Would demons count as a ghost as well? What if someone’s not dead, but possessed by a ghost, would that count? So many questions...

Love seeing The Raid and the sequel get some love, also watch anything with Marko Zaror, Scott Adkins (there’s an Undisputed sequel with both).I never saw Haywire, though I figured Gina could hold her own given her background.

Can you even say La-li-lu-le-lo? I bet you can’t out loud, the nanomachines prevent you from doing so. I know you’re gasping after realizing it, but.... is that even air you’re breathing?

What’s Hearthstone? Is it a real game like Street Fighter or Tekken?

Doesn’t scoops refer to how you can pick up an opponent from the ground and continue the combo in MVC games? I think it’s referred to an Off-The-Ground combo, so he’s scooping him back up. That’s my guess at least. Also, I’ve also heard perfects referred to as Mr. Burns and Lyoto Machidas (UFC fighter, not sure why).

Dame tu Fuerza PEGASO!!!!!

So what you’re saying is whenever someone calls the cops on me, or pulls their weapon on me (has happened btw) I should be thinking: “those stupid terrorists/illegals.” Wow, way to go. So let’s take that further, whenever a police officer shoots an unarmed black person, that black person should blame the black

If I had a f*****g dollar every time someone clocked me as an “illegal” or a “Mohammedan” I’d have enough money to fix the VA. The problem is this country is fully of rusties, and whatever the Fox news boogeyman of the month is, they always happen to be brown or black, which translates to I can’t jog around my

I bet these guys are killing it on yoga class.

How dare you!? Please add Dog Soldiers and The Descent to this list, those are two movies I think any gamer would like (btw the director went on to direct several Game of Thrones episodes). Other than that, nice list. I’ve seen at least half of these.

Loved Binary Domain so much that I picked it up again when it came out on Steam. I loved the boss battles, they had solid designs and the “crunchiness” of the enemy robots was awesome. The multiple endings was nice and the dialogue was good in an 80s-90s action-movie kind of way, which is probably what they were going

They’re all the same one, he/she just likes to show itself differently to different cultures as a way to fuck with people.

On a slightly related note, I see the gun rights activists are out in force tweeting about how better gun laws couldn’t have prevented this (they could have cause bump stocks are legal), but it seems to me that the right to bear arms is only theoretically for all Americans. I bet if I legally open carried in some