I will now and forevermore have nightmares about a Harry Knowles-faced harpy devouring my liver. Thanks for that.
I will now and forevermore have nightmares about a Harry Knowles-faced harpy devouring my liver. Thanks for that.
Untrue. The smile he gives the gunman threatening him with a pistol as he marches towards that final fight in Yojimbo is the coolest fucking thing in cinema history.
Untrue. The smile he gives the gunman threatening him with a pistol as he marches towards that final fight in Yojimbo is the coolest fucking thing in cinema history.
What is that expression on his face in the pic above? He looks like someone has walked in on him mid-shart.
What is that expression on his face in the pic above? He looks like someone has walked in on him mid-shart.
I'll watch it muted on cable while I play video games, just because I like having be-wigged Olivia Wilde occasionally appear in the corner of my eye whilst capping fools in Halo.
I'll watch it muted on cable while I play video games, just because I like having be-wigged Olivia Wilde occasionally appear in the corner of my eye whilst capping fools in Halo.
@avclub-7c0309b913da427825e1524ba86b483b:disqus Unless you're in TV on the Radio!
@avclub-7c0309b913da427825e1524ba86b483b:disqus Unless you're in TV on the Radio!
The Klaxons first video was just a bunch of pouty naked dudes getting wrapped in ribbons in slow motion, and the lead singer for that band is engaged to Keira Knightley.
The Klaxons first video was just a bunch of pouty naked dudes getting wrapped in ribbons in slow motion, and the lead singer for that band is engaged to Keira Knightley.
Seriously. I can tell you what kind of characters the gay men I know like to play in Dungeons & Dragons (twinked-out spellcasters), but I don't know anything about their taste in kitschy sitcoms.
Seriously. I can tell you what kind of characters the gay men I know like to play in Dungeons & Dragons (twinked-out spellcasters), but I don't know anything about their taste in kitschy sitcoms.
I'm willing to bet that after Downton Abbey they do.
I'm willing to bet that after Downton Abbey they do.
I like Pinback a lot, but still not as much as I liked some of Rob Crow's other projects, Thingy in particular.
I like Pinback a lot, but still not as much as I liked some of Rob Crow's other projects, Thingy in particular.
Terminator 2. That's definitely one of those films that makes me think I'm taking crazy pills, because I utterly fail to see the appeal. Eddie Furlong is awful, Linda Hamilton is shrill, and Arnold is Arnold. Robert Patrick and the special effects are the film's only redeeming features that I can see.
Terminator 2. That's definitely one of those films that makes me think I'm taking crazy pills, because I utterly fail to see the appeal. Eddie Furlong is awful, Linda Hamilton is shrill, and Arnold is Arnold. Robert Patrick and the special effects are the film's only redeeming features that I can see.
I'm 33, and I have a motherfucking Dead Man poster on my bedroom wall.